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centum Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

centum ka kya matlab hota hai


centum शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


चीन के युद्ध 100 वर्षों के समय को शताब्दी (लैटिन के शब्द सेंटम से निकला है, जिसका अर्थ 'एक सौ' होता है) कहते हैं।

centum's Usage Examples:

For Wycliffe and his adherent John Purvey (probably the author of the Commentarius in Apocalypsin ante centum annos editus, edited in 1528 by Luther), as on the other hand for Hus, the conviction that the papacy is essentially Antichrist is absolute.

Besides the Virgilian commentary, other works of Servius are extant: a collection of notes on the grammar (Ars) of Aelius Donatus; a treatise on metrical endings (De finalibus); and a tract on the different metres (De centum snetris).

Centum sagittarios ad pugnam aptissimos Robertus latrociniis aluit, quos 400 viri fortissimi invadere non audebant.

His chief works are: De conjunctione animae et corporis humani; Exercitationes centum de cognitione Dei nostri; Logica vetus et nova; Initiatio philosophi, seu Dubitatio Cartesiana; a commentary on Descartes' Meditations; and Ars etymologica Teutonum.

In calculations for wind pressures, the working stresses set forth in the code may be increased by fifty per centum.

Popular etymology identified the symbol with the initial letter of centum, " hundred."

In no case shall the overturning moment due to wind pressure exceed seventy-five per centum of the moment of stability of the structure.

CENTUMVIRI (centum, hundred; vir, man), an ancient court of civil jurisdiction at Rome, probably instituted by Servius Tullius.'

censere, to estimate or assess; connected by some with centum, i.e.

It is the ancient Centum Cellae, founded by Trajan.

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