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caspar Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

caspar ka kya matlab hota hai


(नए करार



caspar शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

उनके पति, निसार अल्लाना के साथ उनका सहयोग 1971 में शुरू हुआ, जब वह एक निर्देशक के रूप में अपना पहला एकल नाटक रिहर्सल कर रही थीं, ब्रेख्त के ए मैन ए सेंट ए सेंट जेवियर कॉलेज , बॉम्बे (अब मुंबई), कि निसार तब चिकित्सा का अध्ययन कर रही थीं हालांकि ब्रेख्त और कैस्पर नेहर (ऑस्ट्रियाई-जर्मन पर्यटक) से प्रभावित होकर सेट करने के लिए स्वेच्छा से काम किया।

बेकेट के अनुसार इस नाटक की प्रेरणा का एक स्रोत कैस्पर डेविड फ्रेडरिक की एक पेंटिंग थी।

कुछ लोग कपाल विद्या (फ्रेनॉलॉजी) को आकृतिविद्या का पर्याय बताते हैं किंतु आस्ट्रियन शरीर-रचना-विज्ञानी जोहान्न कैस्पर स्परज्हीम (१७७६-१८३२) ने गाल के 'करोटि विज्ञान' (क्रेनियालांजी) को 'कपालविद्या' (फ्रेनॉलॉजी) संज्ञा दी थी।

জজজअहोनेन, कैस्पर और मेल्क्को, 3G विपणन 2004, ISBN 0-470-85100-7।

कैस्पर्स स्केयर स्कूल ।

यह वाशिंगटन इरविंग की 1820 की लघु कहानी "द लीजेंड ऑफ स्लीपी हॉलो" पर आधारित एक फिल्म रूपांतरण है, और सहायक भूमिकाओं में मिरांडा रिचर्डसन, माइकल गैंबोन, कैस्पर वैन डायन, क्रिस्टोफर ली और जेफरी जोन्स के साथ जॉनी डेप और क्रिस्टीना रिक्की को तारे।

यह सॉफ्टवेयर कैस्परस्काई लैब (Kaspersky Lab) द्वारा विकसित किया गया।

सम्मिश्र संख्याओं की समतल के बिन्दुओं द्वारा ज्यामितिय सार्थकता सर्वप्रथम कैस्पर वेस्सेल (1745–1818) वर्णित की।

caspar's Usage Examples:

As writers of didactic poetry may be mentioned John Endrody, Caspar Gobol, Joseph Takacs and Barbara Molnar, the earliest distinguished Magyar poetess.

Among these there are - versions of the Epistles of St Paul, by Benedict Komjati (Cracow, 1 533); of the Four Gospels, by Gabriel (Mizser) Pesti Vienna, 1536); of the New Testament, by John Erdosi (Ujsziget, 1541; 2nd ed., Vienna, 1574 6), and by Thomas 060> Felegyhazi (1586); and the translations of the Bible, by Caspar Heltai (Klausenburg, 1551-1565), and by Caspar Karoli (Vizsoly, near Goncz, 1589-1590).

Basil, L'Empire du Bresil (Paris, 1862); Caspar Barlaeus, Rerum per octennium in Brasilia.

CASPAR SCHOPPE (1576-1649), German controversialist and scholar, was born at Neumarkt in the upper Palatinate on the 27th of May 1576 and studied at several German universities.

Nevertheless the book was eagerly sought, and several editions of it appeared.4 Mention must be made of a medical treatise by Caspar Schwenckfeld, published at Liegnitz in 1603, under the title of Theriotropheum Silesiae, the fourth book of which consists of an " Aviarium Silesiae," and is the earliest of the works we now know by the name of fauna.

Hackett) of the enlarged American edition of Dr (afterwards Sir) William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible (1867-1870), to which he contributed more than 400 articles besides greatly improving the bibliographical completeness of the work; was an efficient member of the American revision committee employed in connexion with the Revised Version (1881-1885) of the King James Bible; and aided in the preparation of Caspar Rene Gregory's Prolegomena to the revised Greek New Testament of Tischendorf.

He ineffectually resisted the efforts of the Calvinists, led by Caspar Olevianus, to introduce the Presbyterian polity and discipline, which were established at Heidelberg in 1570, on the Genevan model.

This point of view was further developed in the following century by Caspar Friedrich Wolff (Theorici generationis, 1759), who first followed the development of the members at the growing-point of the stem.

It is a striking example of the difficulty of getting people to use their own powers of investigation accurately, that this form of the doctrine of evolution should have held its ground so long; for it was thoroughly and completely exploded, not long after its enunciation, by Caspar Frederick Wolff, who in his Theoria generationis, published in 1759, placed the opposite theory of epigenesis upon the secure foundation of fact, from which it has never been displaced.

At Strassburg began his intimacy with Caspar Schwenkfeld, a congenial spirit.

caspar's Meaning':

(New Testament

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