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candytuft Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

candytuft ka kya matlab hota hai


जीनस इबेरिस के विभिन्न फूलों के पौधों में से कोई भी सफेद या बैंगनी फूलों के अपने दिखावटी क्लस्टर के लिए खेती की; भूमध्य क्षेत्र के मूल निवासी


सपाट और चिपटे गुच्छों में खिलनेवाले सफ़ेद, गुलाबी और बैंगनी रंग के फूलोंवाला एक पौधा,

candytuft's Usage Examples:

Noccaea - Pretty rock plants, with evergreen foliage and flowers like a little Candytuft.

The Rocket Candytuft (I. coronaria) in good soil grows 12 to 16 inches high, with pure white flowers in long dense heads, and there is a dwarf variety of it (pumila), 4 to 6 inches high, forming spreading tufts 1 foot or more across.

Annual Candytuft (Iberis Umbellata) - This and its ally (I. coronaria) are the hardy annual Candytufts.

Candytuft >>

Sow seeds of sweet alyssum, candytuft, daisies, mignonette, pansies, 'c. Visit the roadsides and woods for interesting plants to put in the hardy borders.

angulosa; Iberis or Candytuft; Lithospermum fruticosum; Myosotis or Forgetme-not, including M.

The Candytuft, of which several dwarf spreading subshrubby species are amongst the best of rock plants, clothing the surface with tufts of green shoots, and flowering in masses during May and June.

Iberis umbellata (Candytuft): hardy, t ft., white, rose, purple, crimson.

Amongst shrubby plants suitable for edgings are the evergreen candytuft (Iberis sempervirens), Euonymus radicans variegata, ivy, and Euonymus microphyllus - a charming little evergreen with small serrated leaves.

candytuft's Meaning':

any of various flowering plants of the genus Iberis cultivated for their showy clusters of white to red or purple flowers; native to Mediterranean region

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