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calendered Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

calendered ka kya matlab hota hai


रोलर्स या प्लेटों के बीच दबाएं ताकि चिकना शीशा लगाना या चादरों में पतला हो सके


केलिन्डर करना,

calendered's Usage Examples:

calendered papers are used.

The calendered sheets are generally cured between folds of wet cloth, the markings of FIG.

at Hornby Castle, calendered in Hist.

calendered's Meaning':

press between rollers or plates so as to smooth glaze or thin into sheets


glossy, glazed, shiny,


unglazed, dull, unattractive, full,

calendered's Meaning in Other Sites