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caldron Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

caldron ka kya matlab hota hai



देग़ची, देग़चा, कटाह, देग़,

caldron शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ इसके अलावा 2002 में शकीरा VH1 डिवास लाइव लास वेगास के लिए चेर, व्हिटनी ह्यूस्टन, सलिने डायोन, मेरी जे ब्लिगे, अनास्तासिया और देग़चा चिक्स की पसंद में शामिल हो गयी।

caldron's Usage Examples:

bubbleenly the chase came to a clearing and Bowerman could see ahead of him a coven of witches all crouched around a bubbling caldron.

Extract 5 2 Witch Double, double toil and trouble: Fire, burn; and caldron bubble.

On arriving in the swim we were confronted by a witch 's caldron - they were going mad.

In the Cazo, Caldron or Hot process the pulverized silver ore is boiled in a copper-bottomed wooden vat, first with brine until the silver has been reduced by the copper, and then with quicksilver.

In an instant the whole Republic was seething like a caldron, and a rival assembly was simultaneously summoned to Cracow by Jan Ferlej, the head of the Protestant party.

A depression of small extent when steep-sided is termed a " caldron," and a long narrow depression crossing a part of the continental border is termed a " furrow."

Certainly no other Polish king so thoroughly understood the nature of the ingredients of that witch's caldron, the Polish diet, as he did.

Similarly we may note the caldron or small steep depression of a round outline, and the furrow or long narrow groove in the continental shelf.

Rictiovarus in disgust cast himself into the fire, or the caldron of boiling tar, from which they had emerged refreshed.

Near the centre of the park is Mud Caldron, a circular crater about 40 ft.


cauldron, pot,

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