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calceolarias Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

calceolarias ka kya matlab hota hai


जीनस कैल्सेरियोल के किसी भी बगीचे के पौधे बड़े फुले हुए स्लिपर के आकार के निचले होंठ वाले फूल हैं



calceolarias's Usage Examples:

Streptocarpus polyanthus, many Calceolarias.

Compound definite inflorescences are by no means common, but in Streptocarpus polyanthus and in several calceolarias we probably have examples.

Put in cuttings of bedding calceolarias, choosing the shoots that will not run up to flower.

Sow seed of herbaceous calceolarias; shift heaths, if they require it; cut down pelargoniums past flowering, and plant the cuttings.

Plant out, during the last week, dahlias, hardy pelargoniums, stocks and calceolarias, protecting the dahlias from slight frosts.

amoena, amoena spectabilis, magnifica, paronychioides major aurea and amabilis; Alyssum maritimum variegatum; some of the dwarf varieties of Antirrhinum majus; Arundo Donax variegata; Begonias; Calceolarias; Cannas; Centaurea ragusina; Clematises, of which the hybrids of the Jackmanni type are best; Dahlia variabilis, and the single-flowered forms of D.

Pelargoniums, cinerarias, calceolarias, cyclamens, camellias, heaths, roses and other specialities might thus have to themselves either a whole house or part of a house, the conditions of which could then be more accurately fitted to the wants of the inmates.

zonal pelargoniums, fuchsias, shrubby calceolarias, dahlias, carnations, 'c., to retain on the cutting some of its leaves, so as to supply the requisite food for storage in the callus.

Among the first wild shrubs and trees that are met with are the chilca (Baccharis Feuillei), with a pretty yellow flower, the Mutisia acuminata, with beautiful red and orange flowers, several species of Senecio, calceolarias, the Schinus molle, with its graceful branches and bunches of red berries, and at higher elevations the lambras (Alnus acuminata), the sauco (Sambucus peruviana), the quenuar (Buddleia incana), and the Polylepis racemosa.

calceolarias's Meaning':

any garden plant of the genus Calceolaria having flowers with large inflated slipper-shaped lower lip

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