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calabria Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

calabria ka kya matlab hota hai


दक्षिणी इटली का एक क्षेत्र (इतालवी 'बूट' के पैर की अंगुली का निर्माण)



calabria शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ उनका यह संस्करण कैलाब्रिया से लिया गया था लेकिन उन्होंने यह कहा कि सभी इतालवी संस्करण बेसिल का क़रीब से अनुकरण करते हैं।

इसके पश्चिम में इटली का दक्षिणी भाग जिसमे कैलाब्रिया शामिल है, सिसिली और सलेंतो प्रायद्वीप जबकि पूर्व में दक्षिणपश्चिमी अल्बानिया जिसमें सरांदा और हिमारा शामिल हैं और बड़ी संख्या में यूनानी द्वीप जैसे कि कोर्फु, ज़ांते, केफालोनिया, इथाहा और लेफ्कस आदि स्थित हैं।

तिरहेनियन सागर के उत्तर में इतालवी प्रायद्वीप, पश्चिम में सार्दिना और कॉर्सिका द्वीप, पूर्व में टस्कनी, लाज़िओ, कम्पानिया और कैलाब्रिया तथा दक्षिण में सिसिली स्थित है।

calabria's Usage Examples:

But nowhere are these contrasts so striking as in Calabria.

The Crati, which flows from Cosenza northwards, and then turns abruptly eastward to enter the same gulf, is the only stream worthy of notice in the rugged peninsula of Calabria; while the arid limestone hills projecting eastwards to Capo di Leuca do not give rise to anything more than a mere streamlet, from the mouth of the Ofanto to the south-eastern extremity of Italy.

This projecting tract, which may be termed the "heel" or "spur" of Southern Italy, in conjunction with the great promontory of Calabria, forms the deep Gulf of Taranto, about 70 m.

While the rugged and mountainous district of Calabria, extending nearly due south for a distance of more than 150 m., thus derives its character and configuration almost wholly from the range of the Apennines, the long spur-like promontory which projects towards the east to Brindisi and Otranto is merely a continuation of the low tract of Apulia, with a dry calcareous soil of Tertiary origin.

The range is, however, continued through the province now called Calabria, to the southern extremity or toe of Italy, but presents in this part a very much altered character, the broken limestone range which is the true continuation of the chain as far as the neighbourhood of Nicastro and Catanzaro, and keeps close to the west coast, being flanked on the east by a great mass of granitic mountains, rising to about 6000 ft., and covered with vast forests, from which it derives the name of La Sila.

Its southern extremity, Calabria, forms a complete peninsula, being united to the mass of Lucania or the Basilicata by an isthmus isthmus 35 m.

Frederick landed in Calabria, where he seized several towns, encouraged revolt in Naples, negotiated with the Ghibellines of Tuscany and Lombardy, and assisted the house of Colonna against Pope Bonif ace.

The number of scholars in the elementary schools for1901-1902was 59.09 per loon (Calabria 42.27, Tuscany 67 09, Piedmont 118.00); the teachers are 1.34 per woo, a total of 1084 of both sexes (among whom only one priest) (Calabria 1.18, Tuscany I 29, Piedmont 2.

The mortality from malaria in 1902 was higher than for any other part of Italy-1037 persons, or 154 per 100,000 (Basilicata, 141; Apulia, 104; Calabria, 77; Sicily, 76; province of Rome, 27).

Messina fell on the 10th of July, but Garibaldi, instead of crossing to Calabria, secretly departed for Aranci Bay in Sardinia, where Bertani was fitting out an expedition against the papal states.

calabria's Meaning':

a region of southern Italy (forming the toe of the Italian `boot'

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