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brooklyn Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

brooklyn ka kya matlab hota hai


brooklyn शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

चित्र:Brooklyn Museum - Manuscript of the Qur'an.jpg|ब्रुकलिन संग्रहालय में कुरान की पांडुलिपि।

बचपन में हैथवे, ब्रुकलिन हाइट्स मॉन्टेसोरी स्कूल में आने से पहले एक मॉन्टेसोरी कार्यक्रम में शामिल हुईं और बाद में वे न्यू जर्सी के मिलबर्न में व्योमिंग एलिमेंट्री स्कूल की पहली कक्षा में दाखिला लेने के योग्य बनीं, हालांकि तकनीकी रूप से वे अभी भी किंडरगार्डन के लायक़ ही थीं।

| ब्रुकलिन'स फाइनेस्ट।

१९८९ में, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में पहली आईएसपी स्थापित की गईं और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका ब्रुकलिन, मैसाचुसेट्स में, द वर्ल्ड अमेरिका में पहली वाणिज्यिक आईएसपी बन गया।

फिल्म अन्ना दी ब्रुकलिन के लिए बर्लिन अंतरराष्ट्रीय फिल्म समारोह में गोल्डन बियर पुरस्कार।


जॉन फिटजेराल्ड केनेडी का जन्म 29 मई 1917 को 83 बील्स स्ट्रीट, ब्रुकलिन, मैसाचुसेट्स में हुआ था।

एन हैथवे का जन्म न्यूयॉर्क के ब्रुकलिन शहर में, वकील जेराल्ड हैथवे और अभिनेत्री केट।

चित्र:Brooklin Bridge-Nueva York7083.JPG|ब्रुकलिन ब्रिज।

नोराह जोन्स का जन्म न्यू यॉर्क के ब्रुकलिन शहर में हुआ।

ब्रुकलिन संग्रहालय ।

ब्लड इन द वॉल एक लू-फाई , ब्रुकलिन- आधारित इंडी रॉक बैंड है, जो द जीसस एंड मैरी चेन , फुटपाथ , पिक्सीज़ और सोनिक यूथ जैसे बैंडों से प्रभावित है ।

दीवार पर रक्त ब्रुकलिन स्थित लेबल द सोशल रजिस्ट्री पर हस्ताक्षर किए गए हैं।

brooklyn's Usage Examples:

He turned his shop into a furniture factory; soon sold this and for a short time was engaged in the grocery business on the site of the present Bible House, opposite Cooper Union; and then invested in a glue and isinglass factory, situated for twenty-one years in Manhattan (where the Park Avenue Hotel was built later) and then in Brooklyn.

Other annexations followed: East Cleveland in 1872, Newburg in 1873, West Cleveland and Brooklyn in 18 9 3, and Glenville and South Brooklyn in 1905.

side of the river, but in that year Ohio City, which was founded in 1807, later incorporated as the village of Brooklyn, and in 1836 chartered as a city (under the name Ohio City), was annexed.

Two large refineries, one on Newtown Creek, Long Island, and another in South Brooklyn, also on Long Island, were in successful operation when the abundant pr oduction of petroleum, which immediately followed the completion of the Drake well, placed at the disposal of the refiner a material which could be worked more profitably than bituminous shale.

By the year 1878 there were four parallel lines in the city of New York, and constructions of the same character had already been projected in Brooklyn and Chicago and, with certain modifications of details, in Berlin.

He studied at the Polytechnic institute of Brooklyn, graduated at Rutgers College in 1870, and was admitted to the bar in 1875 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, where he taught in the Rutgers College grammar school from 1876 to 1879.

Brooklyn is connected with Manhattan by three bridges across the East river - the lowest, known as the Brooklyn, opened in 1883; another, known as the Williamsburg or East River bridge, opened in 1903; and a third, the Manhattan, was opened in 1909.

His left flank was thrown across the East river beyond the village of Brooklyn, while his front and right on the harbour and North or Hudson river were open to a combined naval and military attack.

ALEXANDER JOHNSTON (1849-1889), American historian, was born in Brooklyn, New York, on the 29th of April 1849.

His most famous speech was that made at the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883.


New York City, New York, Coney Island, Greater New York,

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