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bovidae Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

bovidae ka kya matlab hota hai


सही एंटीलोप्स; पशु; बैल; भेड़; बकरियों

bovidae's Usage Examples:

The Bovidae are divided into a number of sections, or subfamilies, each of which is briefly noticed in the present article, while fuller mention of some of the more important representatives of these is made in other articles.

Neither group is represented in Australasia; Celebes being the eastern limit of the Bovidae.

Both of these families are distributed over the whole of the northern hemisphere, but whereas the Cervidae are absent from Africa south of the Sahara and well represented in South America, the Bovidae are unknown in the latter area, but are extraordinarily abundant in Africa.

In geographical distribution the Bovidae present a remarkable contrast to the deer tribe, or Cervidae.

The Bovidae comprise a great number of genera and species, and include the oxen, sheep, goats, antelopes and certain other kinds which come under neither of these designations.

BOVIDAE, the name of the family of hollow-horned ruminant mammals typified by the common ox (Bos taurus), and specially characterized by the presence on the skulls of the males or of both sexes of a pair of bony projections, or cores, covered in life with hollow sheaths of horn, which are never branched, and at all events after a very early stage of existence are permanently retained.


MUSK-OX, also known as musk-buffalo and musk-sheep, an Arctic American ruminant of the family Bovidae, now representing a genus and sub-family by itself.

The Bovidae, or hollow-horned ruminants, are represented by several genera of antelopes, and by species of true Bos - such as B.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN GOAT, or White Goat (Oreamnus montanus), a North American hollow-horned ruminant of the family Bovidae, distinguished by its white colour.

bovidae's Meaning':

true antelopes; cattle; oxen; sheep; goats

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