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blossomed Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

blossomed ka kya matlab hota hai



पुष्पणकाल, बौर,


फलना-फूलना, बौर आना, खिलना,

blossomed शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ व्यस्क रस्म के आयोजन के समय परिवार के सभी लोग अग्नि कुंड के सामने इक्ट्ठे हो जाते हैं, अग्नि कुंड के आगे देव स्तंभ खड़ा किया गया है, व्यस्क रस्म लेने वाले बच्चे का पांव अनाज से भरी बौरे पर दबा हुआ है, इस का अर्थ है कि उस का भावी जीवन खुशहाल होगा।

इस घटना चक्र पर एक पिक्चर भी बनी है जिसका नाम इंफिनिटी (Infinity (film)) है इसे मैथयू बौरडविक (Matthew Broderick) ने निर्देशित किया है।

या खाये बौराये जग, बा खाये बौराये।

इस माप पर बौरॉन (अधातु) की चालकता 10-10 आएगी।

अपने पति टॉम रिडल सीनियर द्वारा छोड़ दिए जाने पर, मेरोप ने यह लॉकेट, बौर्गिन एंड बर्क्स के दुकानदार, कराकैक्टस बर्क को 10 गैलियन में बेच दिया जोकि लॉकेट के वास्तविक मूल्य का एक छोटा सा अंश था।

इस प्रखंड का नाम दो गांवो गोरामानसिंह एवं बौराम से आया है।

अन्य साकल्यवादी सिद्धांतों में शामिल हैं, पियरे बौर्डियो की गठन की अवधारणा और अल्फ्रेड शुट्ज़ के काम में भी जीवन-प्रपंच का दृश्यप्रपंचवाद का विचार.।

प्रखंड का नाम दो गांवो गोरामानसिंह एवं बौराम से आया है।

| बौर्दा, जॉर्ज टाउन।

आम के बौर की उपमा वसंतद्तसे तथा मंजरी की मन्मथतीर से कवियों ने दी है।

आम का बौर शीतल, वातकारक, मलरोधक, अग्निदीपक, रुचिवर्धक तथा कफ, पित्त, प्रमेह, प्रदर और अतिसार को नष्ट करनेवाला है।

blossomed's Usage Examples:

She was the queen of fashion in a society where corruption blossomed luxuriantly and exquisitely, and in a century of wit hers was second to none.

But it shows that the enthusiasm which in his days of courtship moved him to verse had blossomed into a later age of domestic bliss.

Clusters of sixties and seventies-style subdivisions had blossomed during the post-war era of rush to the 'burbs. These look-alikes that originally carried names like Camelot or South Pacific were at first scorned by Parkside's gentry but had slowly gained a level of respectability.

And, with the return of comparatively settled and prosperous conditions, not only architecture but the other arts also blossomed under the influence of what was later stigmatized as the "Gothic" spirit into new and original forms. Down to the Reformation the churches continued to be, as the temples of the ancient world had been, the main centres of the arts; yet the arts were not confined to them, but flourished wherever, as in castles or walled cities, the conditions essential to their development existed.

These are, again in an ascending direction, connected with the Coraciiformes, out of which have arisen the Passeriformes, and these have blossomed into the Oscines, which, as the apotheosis of bird life, have conquered the whole inhabitable world.

Their marriage had finally blossomed into mature love.

The Board of Trade was set to work to produce fiscal Blue-books, and hum-drum politicians who had never shown any genius for figures suddenly blossomed out into arithmeticians of the deepest dye.

Your magic gifts have blossomed, and they've attracted the attention of others with magic gifts.

A second flower blossomed and remained.

Their connection blossomed immediately as they savored each other's intense pleasure.


apetalous flower, floweret, perigonium, flowering plant, inflorescence, reproductive structure, bud, bloom, perianth, carpel, floral leaf, stamen, floral envelope, ovary, ray flower, floret, chlamys, chrysanthemum, flower, ray floret, pistil, angiosperm, perigone,


work time, overtime, nondevelopment, end, ill health,

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