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blackcurrant Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

blackcurrant ka kya matlab hota hai


blackcurrant's Usage Examples:

The nose was slightly minty with some blackcurrant and herbaceous aromas, mingling with gentle oak and spiciness.

liquoricecorice with blackcurrant overtones, the tannins are softening.

Spread the rectangles that you did NOT put holes in with a little blackcurrant jam.

gooseberry flavors, backed up with a slight hint of blackcurrant on the finish.

Disease and Pest Resistance: Has a high level of resistance to blackcurrant gall mite based on the Ce gene.

The palate was big and tough - the tannins fighting it out with blackberry and blackcurrant fruit.

flavouremsip Max hot drinks range has also been extended to include a new blackcurrant flavor.

Place the blackcurrant coulis on to a serving dish.

blackberrycollected blackberries to make jam, my aunts also made strawberry jams and blackcurrant jam because they grew them.

I also consumed vast amounts of my favorite drink â pints of blackcurrant cordial with water (no ice, thank you ).

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