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bivouac Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

bivouac ka kya matlab hota hai





पड़ाव करना,

bivouac शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

अगला पड़ाव है भीमचण्डी।

इस पड़ाव पर इस अप्रत्याशित दौड़ और सफलता के नाते इनके कैरियर में इन्हें फ्रेन्‍काइज ट्रूफोट नामक निर्देशक द्वारा वन मेन इंडस्ट्री का नाम दिया।

यहां यात्री दुर्गामंदिर में दुर्गा जी की पूजा करते हैं और पहले पड़ाव के सारे कर्मकाण्ड को दुहराते हैं।

गंगा-जमुनी दोआब क्षेत्र के खास भाग में स्थित ये यमुना नदी का अंतिम पड़ाव है।

रात्रि-विश्राम के उपरांत यात्री पांचवें दिन अंतिम पड़ाव के लिए प्रस्थान करते हैं।

अंतिम पड़ाव कपिलधारा है।

पड़ाव संख्या भी पांच है।

दूसरे दिन भोर में यात्री कन्दवा से अगले पड़ाव के लिए चलते हैं।


फुमी लोगों की मान्यता के अनुसार उन की मृत्यु के बाद वे इसी रास्ते से अपना अंतिम पड़ाव पहुंच जाते हैं।

जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण पड़ाव

चौथा पड़ाव पांचों-पण्डवा है।

यह पड़ाव शिवपुर क्षेत्र में पडता है।

यह प्राचीन समय में गंगा के मैदान से होकर जाने वाले वाणिज्य पथों के रास्ते में पड़ने वाला मुख्य पड़ाव था।

bivouac's Usage Examples:

Denisov himself intended going with the esaul and Petya to the edge of the forest where it reached out to Shamshevo, to have a look at the part of the French bivouac they were to attack next day.

He seemed unaware of the vital importance of the moment, crouched shivering over a bivouac fire, and finally rode back to Dresden, leaving no specific orders for the further pursuit.

In the field, armies lived as a rule in camp (q.v.), and when the provision of canvas shelter was impossible in bivouac. At the present time, however, it is unusual, in Europe at any rate, for troops on active service to hamper themselves with the enormous trains of tent wagons that would be required, and cantonments or bivouacs, or a combination of the two have therefore taken the place, in modern warfare, of the old long rectilinear lines of tents that marked the restingplace and generally, too, the order of battle of an 18th-century army.

The huge, endless bivouac that had previously resounded with the crackling of campfires and the voices of many men had grown quiet, the red campfires were growing paler and dying down.

The Emperor without waiting for an answer turned away and said to one of the officers as he went: Have these gentlemen attended to and taken to my bivouac; let my doctor, Larrey, examine their wounds.

By evening it was expected that the whole would have crossed the Sambre, and would bivouac between the sundered allies.

The square was again heavily attacked, but the Arabs could not get to close quarters and in the evening a bivouac was formed on the Nile.

It seems scarcely to know fear, obtruding itself on the notice of any traveller who invades its haunts, and, should he halt, making itself at once a denizen of his bivouac. In confinement it speedily becomes friendly, but suitable food for it is not easily found.

were settling down into bivouac; they were still but a short march from the decisive field.

from bivouac long after dawn, he marched forward, via Walhain.


hutment, cantonment, encampment, lager, boot camp, camp, laager, military quarters,


inelastic, inanimate, dead, empty, tasteful,

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