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biology Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

biology ka kya matlab hota hai




biology शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

संरचनात्मक जीवविज्ञान (Structural biology) – a branch of molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics concerned with the molecular structure of biological macromolecules।

जीवविज्ञान के आदिपुरुष चा‌र्ल्स डार्विन।

संरक्षण जीवविज्ञान (Conservation biology) – the study of the preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife।

* पक्षिविज्ञान (Ornithology) – प्राणिविज्ञान या जन्तुविज्ञान (Zoology) जीवविज्ञान की शाखा है जो जन्तुओं और उनके जीवन, शरीर, विकास और वर्गीकरण (classification) से सम्बन्धित होती है।

ऐतिहासिक जीवविज्ञान (Chronobiology) – the study of periodic events in living systems।

संरचनात्मक जीवविज्ञान (Structural biology) – a branch of molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics concerned with the molecular structure of biological macromolecules।

जलसमूह जीव जंतुओं या किसी भी जीवित वस्तु के अध्ययन को जीवविज्ञान या बायोलोजी (Biology) कहते हैं।

संज्ञानात्मक जीवविज्ञान (Cognitive biology) – the study of cognition।

नैनोजीवविज्ञान (Nanobiology) – the application of nanotechnology in biological research, and the study of living organisms and parts on the nanoscale level of organization।

सागरीय जीवविज्ञान, पशु एवं पादप ।

1922- यूजीनी क्लार्क, "शार्क लेडी" के नाम से जानी जाने वाली अमेरिकी समुद्री जीवविज्ञानी।

खगोल-जीवविज्ञान (Astrobiology) (also known as exobiology, exopaleontology, and bioastronomy) – the study of evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe।

प्राकृतिक विज्ञान के सभी महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्रों (भौतिकी, रसायन, चिकित्सा, जीवविज्ञान, भूविज्ञान आदि) में इसका महत्व दृष्टिगोचर होता है।

जीवविज्ञान (Biology) प्राकृतिक विज्ञान की तीन विशाल शाखाओं में से एक है।

नीचे जीवविज्ञान की प्रमुख शाखाएँ और उनका संक्षिप्त वर्णन दिया गया है:।

* पक्षिविज्ञान (Ornithology) – प्राणिविज्ञान या जन्तुविज्ञान (Zoology) जीवविज्ञान की शाखा है जो जन्तुओं और उनके जीवन, शरीर, विकास और वर्गीकरण (classification) से सम्बन्धित होती है।

प्रारंभ में आयुर्विज्ञान का अध्ययन जीवविज्ञान की एक शाखा की भाँति किया गया और शरीर-रचना-विज्ञान (अनैटोमी) तथा शरीर-क्रिया-विज्ञान (फ़िज़िऑलॉजी) को इसका आधार बनाया गया।

नीचे जीवविज्ञान की प्रमुख शाखाएँ और उनका संक्षिप्त वर्णन दिया गया है:।

फास्ट फूड डॉ॰ (सर) जगदीश चन्द्र बसु (बंगाली: জগদীশ চন্দ্র বসু जॉगोदीश चॉन्द्रो बोशु) (30 नवंबर 1858 – 23 नवंबर, 1937) भारत के प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक थे जिन्हें भौतिकी, जीवविज्ञान, वनस्पतिविज्ञान तथा पुरातत्व का गहरा ज्ञान था।

विकृतिजीवविज्ञान या विकृतिविज्ञान (Pathobiology or pathology) – the study of diseases, and the causes, processes, nature, and development of disease।

तंत्र जीवविज्ञान (Systems biology) – the study of complex interactions within biological systems through a holistic approach।

'बायलोजी' (जीवविज्ञान) शब्द का प्रयोग सबसे पहले लैमार्क और ट्रविरेनस(Trivirenus)नाम के वैज्ञानिकों ने १८०१(1801) ई० में किया।

विकासीय जीवविज्ञान (Evolutionary biology) – the study of the origin and descent of species over time।

संरक्षण जीवविज्ञान (Conservation biology) – the study of the preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife।

ऐतिहासिक जीवविज्ञान (Chronobiology) – the study of periodic events in living systems।

विकासात्मक जीवविज्ञान (Developmental biology) – the study of the processes through which an organism forms, from zygote to full structure।

* संश्लेषी जीवविज्ञान (Synthetic biology) – research integrating biology and engineering; construction of biological functions not found in nature।

जलसमूह जीव जंतुओं या किसी भी जीवित वस्तु के अध्ययन को जीवविज्ञान या बायोलोजी (Biology) कहते हैं।

मनोजीवविज्ञान (Psychobiology) – the application of methods traditionally used in biology to study human and non-human animals behaviour।

जीवविज्ञान भांति-भांति के जीवों का अध्ययन करता है।

क्वाण्टम जीवविज्ञान (Quantum biology) – the study of the role of quantum phenomena in biological processes।

* संश्लेषी जीवविज्ञान (Synthetic biology) – research integrating biology and engineering; construction of biological functions not found in nature।

अणु-जीवविज्ञान (Molecular biology) – the study of biology and biological functions at the molecular level, some cross over with biochemistry।

नैतिक मुद्दों बच्चों को तैयार करना और मानव क्लोनिंग भी विवादों को जन्म दिया है और के बीच वैज्ञानिक और जीवविज्ञान के नीतिशास्त्री बीच युजनिक्स के साथ पिछले गाली (reductio विज्ञापन hitlerum देखें) के प्रकाश में विशेष रूप से दिया है।

1925 लोटका-वोल्त्रा समीकरण (Lotka-Volterra equations ) के साथ गणितीय जीवविज्ञान का युग शुरू।

क्वाण्टम जीवविज्ञान (Quantum biology) – the study of the role of quantum phenomena in biological processes।

फास्ट फूड डॉ॰ (सर) जगदीश चन्द्र बसु (बंगाली: জগদীশ চন্দ্র বসু जॉगोदीश चॉन्द्रो बोशु) (30 नवंबर 1858 – 23 नवंबर, 1937) भारत के प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक थे जिन्हें भौतिकी, जीवविज्ञान, वनस्पतिविज्ञान तथा पुरातत्व का गहरा ज्ञान था।

समुद्री जीवविज्ञान (Marine biology) (or biological oceanography) – the study of ocean ecosystems, plants, animals, and other living beings।

समुद्री जीवविज्ञान (Marine biology) (or biological oceanography) – the study of ocean ecosystems, plants, animals, and other living beings।

विकासात्मक जीवविज्ञान (Developmental biology) – the study of the processes through which an organism forms, from zygote to full structure।

संज्ञानात्मक जीवविज्ञान (Cognitive biology) – the study of cognition।

आज भी किसी विषय को समर्पित विश्वकोष को शब्दकोश भी कहा जाता है; जैसे 'सूक्ष्मजीवविज्ञान का शब्दकोश' आदि।

तंत्र जीवविज्ञान (Systems biology) – the study of complex interactions within biological systems through a holistic approach।

सूक्ष्मजीवविज्ञान (Microbiology) – the study of microscopic organisms (microorganisms) and their interactions with other living things।

सैद्धान्तिक जीवविज्ञान (Theoretical biology) – the branch of biology that employs abstractions and mathematical models to explain biological phenomena।

आधुनिक जीवविज्ञान के आधार।

कोशिका जीवविज्ञान (Cell biology) – the study of the cell as a complete unit, and the molecular and chemical interactions that occur within a living cell।

1925 लोटका-वोल्त्रा समीकरण (Lotka-Volterra equations ) के साथ गणितीय जीवविज्ञान का युग शुरू।

सैद्धान्तिक जीवविज्ञान (Theoretical biology) – the branch of biology that employs abstractions and mathematical models to explain biological phenomena।

आधुनिक जीवविज्ञान के आधार।

कोशिका जीवविज्ञान (Cell biology) – the study of the cell as a complete unit, and the molecular and chemical interactions that occur within a living cell।

इसे मनोजीवविज्ञान (Psychobiology) भी कहा जाता है।

समाजजीवविज्ञान (Sociobiology) - the study of social behavior in terms of evolution।

विकासीय जीवविज्ञान (Evolutionary biology) – the study of the origin and descent of species over time।

biology's Usage Examples:

His labours coincided in time with the great development of biology under the stimulus of the Darwinian theory, and the sympathizers with the new views, feeling the need of a comprehensive survey of the world as a whole, very widely accepted Spencer's philosophy at its own valuation, both in England and, still more, in America.

Similarly Karl Hoffmann of Wiirzburg wasted his appreciations of the newer schools of developmental biology in fanciful notions of human diseases as reversions to normal stages of lower animals; scrofula being for him a reversion to the insect, rickets to the mollusc, epilepsy to the oscillaria, and so forth.

Williams observes (Geological Biology, p. 268) that the evolution of those fundamental characters which mark differences between separate classes, orders, sub-orders, and even families of organisms, took place in relatively short periods of time.

How far such adaptations are produced afresh in each generation, whether or no their effects are transmitted to descendants and so directly modify the stock, to what extent adaptations characteristic of a species or variety have come about by selection of individuals capable, in each generation, of responding favourably, or how far by the selection of individuals fortuitously suitable to the environment, or, how far, possibly by the inheritance of the responses to the environment, are problems of biology not yet definitely solved.

191 (1899); Dawson, "On the Biology of Poroniapunctata," Ann.

Comte's series or hierarchy is arranged as follows: (i) Mathematics (that is, number, geometry, and mechanics), (2) Astronomy, (3) Physics, (4) Chemistry, (5) Biology, (6) Sociology.

The work achieved by Russian savants, especially in biology, physiology and chemistry, and in the sciences descriptive of the vast territory of Russia, is well known to Europe.

After completing his system (1896) Spencer continued to revise it, and brought out new editions of the Biology (1898-1899) and First Principles (1900).

The optical properties of sea-water are of immediate importance in biology, as they affect the penetration of sunlight into the depths.

You need to have a basic understanding of how things work in biology.


microbiology, bionomics, exobiology, cryobiology, genetic science, botany, bioscience, zoology, morphology, embryology, life science, space biology, molecular biology, genetics, forestry, radiobiology, paleobiology, biological science, neurobiology, biogeography, cytology, environmental science, ecology, sociobiology, zoological science, physiology, palaeobiology, phytology, astrobiology,


decrease, defense, prosecution, dysgenics, eugenics,

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