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bile Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

bile ka kya matlab hota hai

यहाँ तक कि


पित्त-विकार, बदमिजाजी, पित्तरस, पित्त,

bile's Usage Examples:

When we come to consider more in detail the results of these actions we find that the various secretions of the body, such as the sweat, gastric juice, bile, milk, urine, 'c., may be increased or diminished; that the heart may have its muscular or nervous apparatus stimulated or depressed; that the nerve-centres in the brain, medulla and spinal cord may be rendered more sensitive or the reverse; and that the general metabolism of the body may be altered in various ways.

Thus Karl Christoph Vogt repeated the saying of the French physician Cabanis, " The brain is determined to thought as the stomach is to digestion, or the liver to the secretion of bile," in the form, " Thought stands in the same relation to the brain as the bile to the liver or the urine to the kidneys."

In his earlier years he devoted himself to chemistry, both theoretical and applied, publishing papers on the preparation of gold and platinum, numerical relations between the atomic weights of analogous elements, the formation of aventurine glass, the manufacture of illuminating gas from wood, the preservation of oil-paintings, 'c. The reaction known by his name for the detection of bile acids was published in 1844.

- Of these the thyroid gland, the suprarenal bodies, the spleen, the bile, the bone marrow, the ovaries and some others have been investigated fully.

bile), bulláns, pillar stones, weapons.

Inasmuch as the stone is blocking the duct, the bile is unable to flow into the intestine; so, being absorbed by the blood-vessels, it gives rise to jaundice.

According to this celebrated theory, the body contains four humours - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, a right proportion and mixture of which constitute health; improper proportions or irregular distribution, disease.

The Gall-bladder may be ruptured by external violence, and if bile escapes from the rent in considerable quantities peritonitis will be set up, whether the bile contains septic germs or not.

John Luke Grasso, his name was so much bile on my tongue I gagged to keep it down.

The prince is not very well: bile and rush of blood to the head.


digestive juice, digestive fluid, gall,


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