berths Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
berths ka kya matlab hota hai
शायिका में पैदा करना,
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berths शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
लाल द्विशायिका क्रॉस ईसाइयत की ओर इंगित करता है।
मान लें कि हमारे पास यात्री क और च हैं, तो प्रश्न यह है कि इन दो यात्रियों को शायिका पर कितने प्रकार से बैठाया जा सकता है।
उदाहरण 1. - मान लें, रेल के एक डिब्बे की शायिका (berth) पर चार आसन (seats) हैं, जिनपर निम्नलिखित संख्याएँ पड़ी हुई हैं :।
ध्वज पूर्व स्वरूप में सफेद रंग की पृष्ठभूमि वाला लाल रंग के द्विशायिका क्रॉस से भरा हुआ था।
ध्वज टोंगा का ध्वज लाल रंग का है जिसका एक कैन्टन सफेद है और उसमें लाल रंग का द्विशायिका क्रॉस है।
भारतीय नौसेना के पास मोजांबिक में शायिका अधिकार (berthing rights) है।
berths's Usage Examples:
In addition, there are direct rail connections to the deep-water berths in King George Dock.
berths in two cabins.
And Doncaster will also be weakened without the Hunts, both of whom usually occupy the central midfield berths.
In the United States the standard sleeping car has a central alley, and along the sides are two tiers of berths, arranged lengthwise with the car and screened off from the alley by curtains.
In the most approved type at the present time a passage runs along one side of the car, and off it open a number of transverse compartments or berths resembling ships' cabins, mostly for one person only, and each having a lavatory of its own with cold, and sometimes hot, water laid on.
The larger passenger steamers of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd to Netherlands India and of the Holland-American Steamship Company (the two principal passenger and cargo steamship companies at Rotterdam) have their berths on the south side of the river.
The galleries are not the way of access to the cemeteries, but are themselves the cemeteries, the dead being buried in long low horizontal recesses, excavated in the vertical walls of the passages, rising tier above tier like the berths in a ship, from a few inches above the floor to the springing of the arched ceiling, to the number of five, six or even sometimes twelve ranges.
This is protected by Fort William and Fort George, as well as by the citadel (Fort Adelaide), and it has three graving-docks connected with the inner harbour, the depths alongside quays and berths being from 12 to 28 ft.
On the continent of Europe the typical sleeping car has transverse compartments with two berths, one placed above the other.
In 1902 it afforded 10 alongside berths for shipping.
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