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befriended Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

befriended ka kya matlab hota hai

दोस्ती की


मित्रवत व्यवहार करना, मित्र बनाना,

befriended शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ अधिकांश मोबाइल समुदायों में प्रयोगकर्ता अपने मोबाइल फोन का प्रयोग करते हुए अब अपनी प्रोफाइल बनाना, मित्र बनाना, चैट रूम्स में भाग लेना, चैट रूम बनाना, निजी बातचीत, फ़ोटो और वीडियो बांटना और ब्लॉग बांटना आदि कर सकते हैं।

befriended's Usage Examples:

He also befriended the officers of British ships stationed in North America.

At last, the day before the September massacres, she fled, befriended by Manuel and Tallien.

befriended by various generous dogs.

befriended by a boy who flies kites.

She turned at the familiar voice, pleased and surprised to see Megan, the Immortal warrior who befriended her and showed her around when she arrived to the castle several weeks before.

The Nabataean Arabs and the Greeks of Scythopolis befriended them, but the province generally was hostile.

Thus the city successfully befriended the Athenians against Cleomenes I., and supported them against Aegina, their common commercial rival in eastern waters.

Discontent became rife, and on the ship breaking out of the ice in the spring Henry Hudson had a violent quarrel with a dissolute young fellow named Henry Greene, whom he had befriended by taking him on board, and who now retaliated by inciting the discontented part of the crew to put Hudson and eight others (including the sick men) out of the ship. This happened on the 22nd of June 1611.

The pope and the emperor befriended this foundation; Frederick II.

Every little pine needle expanded and swelled with sympathy and befriended me.


pal, tie, attach, bind, chum up, bond, pal up,


unconnectedness, detach, repulsion, unsecured bond, secured bond,

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