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baedeker Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

baedeker ka kya matlab hota hai


यात्रा गाइडबुक की एक श्रृंखला के जर्मन प्रकाशक (1801-185 9


कार्ल बैडेकर द्वारा स्थापित फ़र्म द्वारा प्रकाशित मार्गदर्शक पुस्तिका,

baedeker's Usage Examples:

Among the more popular works on Mexico are Baedeker's The United States, with Excursions to Mexico, 'c. (Leipzig, 1909); H.

Chambalu, Die Stromveranderungen des Niederrheins seit der vorrOmischen Zeit (Cologne, 1892), and handbooks of Baedeker, Meyer and Woerl.

See Baedeker's Egypt; Ed.

See latest editions of guidebooks to Lower Egypt (Baedeker, Murray, Macmillan).

Daressy, Notice explicative des ruines du temple de Louxor (Cairo, 1893); Baedeker's Egypt.

univ., Asie anterieure (1884); C. Baedeker and A.

de Morgan, Carte de la necropole memphite (Cairo, 1897); Baedeker's Egypt; J.

Geere, By Nile and Euphrates (1904); Baedeker, Palestine and Syria (1906); Murray, Handbook to Asia Minor, 'c., section iii.

orientale, and the Revue Biblique; Baedeker's Handbook to Palestine and Syria (1906); Mommert, Die hl.

Official statistical works: A nnuaire statistique de la France (a summary of the statistical publications of the government), Slatistique agricole annue,lle, Statislique de lindustrie minerale et des appareils de vapeur, Tableau genera~l dii commerce et de la navigation, Reports on the various colonies issued annually by the British Foreign Office, 'c. Guide Books: Karl Baedeker, Northern France, Southern France; P. Joanne, Nord, Champagne et Ardenne; Normandie; and other volumes dealing with every region of the country.

baedeker's Meaning':

German publisher of a series of travel guidebooks (1801-1859

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