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bacchanalia Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

bacchanalia ka kya matlab hota hai


डायोनिसस (= बैचस) के सम्मान में प्राचीन ग्रीस में एक ऑर्गिस्टिक महोत्सव


पीना पिलाना,

bacchanalia शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

भांग पीना पिलाना आम बात है।


bacchanalia's Usage Examples:

And the bloody Bacchanalia taking place in Chechnya today is called a counterterrorist operation in the language of Russian chekists.

But, in spite of the severe punishment inflicted upon those who were found to be implicated in the criminal practices disclosed by state investigation, the Bacchanalia were not stamped out, at any rate in the south of Italy, for a very long time (Livy xxxix.


The evil reputation of these festivals, at which the grossest debaucheries took place, and all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies were supposed to be planned, led in 186 B.C. to a decree of the senate - the so-called Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus, inscribed on a bronze tablet discovered in Calabria (1640), now at Vienna - by which the Bacchanalia were prohibited throughout the whole of Italy, except in certain special cases, in which the senate reserved the right of allowing them, subject to certain restrictions.

bacchanalia's Meaning':

an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus


Dionysia, festival, fete,


sober, nondrinker, order,

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