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avoirdupois Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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avoirdupois शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इस जैवफिल्म को अक्सर कीट लार्वा, घोंघा और कीड़े खा जाते हैं जिससे एक इष्टतम मोटापन बनाए रखने में मदद मिलती है।


avoirdupois's Usage Examples:

ynce, inch), a unit of weight, being the twelfth part of a pound troy, =480 grains; in avoirdupois = 437.5 grains, of a pound.

Tons avoirdupois of 2240 lb = 1016 kilogrammes.

avoirdupois) of the total net sugar bounties granted by European powers, according to the computation issued by the secretary of the United States treasury on the 12th of December 1898.

On the 27th of January 1905, the largest diamond in the world, weighing 30254 carats, over 12 lb avoirdupois, was found in the mine and named the Cullinan.

avoirdupois); of length, pes (foot: = about 11R in.); of surface, jugerum (= about a acre); of measure, liquid amphora (about 5 5 gal.),, dry modius (about 1 9 - 0 - peck).

When, in April 1908, Mr Asquith became premier, and Mr Lloyd George chancellor of the exchequer, the sugar convention The world's trade in cane and beet sugar in tons avoirdupois at decennial periods from 1840 to 1870, inclusive, and yearly from 1871 to 1901 inclusive, with the percentage of beet sugar and the average price per cwt.

It is the practice of the officers of the inland revenue to adjust Sikes's hydrometer at 62° F., that being the temperature at which the imperial gallon is defined as containing 10 lb avoirdupois of distilled water.

Merchant's pound, in 1270 established for all except gold, silver and medicines = 6750 grains, generally superseded by avoirdupois in 1303.

Quantities of raw and refined cane and beet sugar in tons avoirdupois imported into the United Kingdom in 1870 and in 1875, and yearly from 1880 to 1901 inclusive, with the consumption per head of the population in lb and the price per cwt.

In some districts, especially in Yorkshire, the count is based on the number of yards per ounce, and in others the older method of drams avoirdupois per woo yard skein.


obesity, fatness, oiliness, paunchiness, corpulency, fat, bodily property, oleaginousness, fattiness, blubber, fleshiness, adiposeness, steatopygia, adiposity, greasiness, abdominousness,


mesomorphic, angular, fatness, laugh, leanness,

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