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astringents Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

astringents ka kya matlab hota hai


एक ऐसी दवा जो शरीर के ऊतकों और नहरों के संकुचन का कारण बनती है


सिकोड़नेवाली, स्तम्मक,

astringents's Usage Examples:

Substances containing tannic or gallic acid turn black when compounded with a ferric salt, so it cannot be used in combination with vegetable astringents except with the infusion of quassia or calumba.

Both it and the aromatic solution are powerful intestinal astringents, and are therefore useful in diarrhoea of a serious type, being strongly recommended both as a prophylactic and as a treatment during epidemics of Asiatic cholera.

For the purpose of checking the inflammatory processes and lessening discharge from mucous membranes astringents are employed.

Even in cases of very acute intestinal diseases similar treatment is now pursued, and instead of treating dysentery simply by sedatives or astringents, an eliminative treatment by means of sulphate of magnesia is largely employed.

It is incompatible with potassium, calcium, mercury and vegetable astringents.

Abortion resembles ordinary labour in its general phenomena, excepting that in the former hemorrhage often to a large extent forms one of the leading symptoms. The treatment embraces the means to be used by rest, astringents and sedatives, to prevent the occurrence when it merely threatens; or when, on the contrary, it is inevitable, to accomplish as speedily as possible the complete removal of the entire contents of the uterus.

Many species had a great repute as demulcents, febrifuges, astringents, tonics, purgatives and anthelmintics.

In the surgical treatment of haemorrhage minor means of arresting bleeding are: cold, which is most valuable in general oozing and local extravasations; very hot water, 130° to 160° F., a powerful haemostatic; position, such as elevation of the limb, valuable in bleeding from the extremities; styptics or astringents, applied locally, as perchloride of iron, tannic acid and others, the most valuable being suprarenal extract.

All these salts are mild astringents when applied externally, as they coagulate the albumen of the tissues and of any discharge which may be present.

Others (in addition to some already mentioned) are medicinal; as the palms, calabash, manchineel, pepper, fustic and a long list of cathartics, caustics, emetics, astringents, febrifuges, vermifuges, diuretics and tonics.

astringents's Meaning':

a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals


acerb, acerbic, sour,


sweet, pleasant, unsoured, tasteless,

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