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ascomycetes Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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कक्षा Ascomycetes (या उपखंड Ascomycota) का कोई भी कवक

ascomycetes's Usage Examples:

Invisible to the microscope, but rendered visible by reagents, are glycogen, Mucor, Ascomycetes, yeast, 'c. In addition to these cell-contents we have good indirect evidence of the existence of large series of other bodies, such as proteids, carbohydrates, organic acids, alkaloids, enzymes, 'c. These must not be confounded with the numerous substances obtained by chemical analysis of masses of the fungus, as there is often no proof of the manner of occurrence of such bodies, though we may conclude with a good show of probability that some of them also exist preformed in the living cell.

The same functions of storage in advance of fructification are also exercised by the stromata so common in Ascomycetes.

In these cases we should expect to find some reduced process of fertilization similar to that of Humaria granulata among the ordinary Ascomycetes, where in the absence of the antheridia the female nuclei fuse in pairs.

As the remarks on the nature of the spermatia show, the question of the sexuality of the lichens has been hotly disputed in common with that of the rest of the Ascomycetes.

We find two chief types of fruit bodies in the lichens, the perithecium and apothecium; the first when the fungal element is a member of the Pyrenomycetes division of the Ascomycetes, the second when the fungus belongs to the Discomycetes division.

Contrary to the behaviour of the non-lichen forming Ascomycetes the lichen-fungi show very few cases of ordinary conidial formation.

In 1865 De Bary suggested the possibility that such lichens as Collema, Ephebe, 'c., arose as a result of the attack of parasitic Ascomycetes upon the algae, Nostoc, Chroococcus, 'c. In 1867 the observations of Famintzin and Baranetzky showed that the gonidia, in certain cases, were able to live outside the lichen-thallus, and in the case of Physcia, Evernia and Cladonia were able to form zoospores.

the Ascomycetes, Rust Fungi, 'c., the same structure obtains so far as all essential details are concerned.

Since about 1880 our knowledge of the species which can enter into such relationships has been materially extended, and the fungal constituents of the Lichens are known to include Basidiomycetes as well as Ascomycetes.

Mucor, Exoasci, Ustilagineae, higher Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes); and (2) the question as to the physiological nature and meaning of fermentation.

ascomycetes's Meaning':

any fungus of the class Ascomycetes (or subdivision Ascomycota


Ascomycota, class, Discomycetes, Morchellaceae, subclass Euascomycetes, class Ascomycetes, Euascomycetes, subdivision Ascomycota, family Morchellaceae, subdivision Ascomycotina, subclass Discomycetes, Ascomycotina,



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