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artiodactyla Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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सबक्लास यूथरिया के सूखे स्तनधारियों का एक आदेश (सूअरों और पेकिस और हिप्पोपोटामी और उपधारा के सदस्यों के सदस्यों सहित

artiodactyla's Usage Examples:

The primitive Artiodactyla thus probably had the typical number (44) of incisor, canine and molar teeth, brachyodont molars, conical odontoid process, four distinct toes on each foot, with metacarpal, metatarsal and all the tarsal bones distinct, and no frontal appendages.

- Bones of Right Fore Feet of existing Artiodactyla.

Artiodactyla date from the Eocene period, when they appear to have been less numerous than the Perissodactyla, although at the present day they are immeasurably ahead of that group, and form indeed the dominant ungulates.

As contrasted with the Perissodactyla living, and in a great degree extinct, Artiodactyla are characterized by the following structural features.


These tiny animals, commonly known as mousedeer, are in no wise nearly related to the true deer, but constitute by themselves a special section of artiodactyle ungulates known as Tragulina, for the characteristics of which see ARTIODACTYLA.

Orders: Insectivora, Chiroptera, Dermoptera, Edentata (Sub-orders: Xenarthra, Pholidota, Tubulidentata), Rodentia (Sub-orders: Duplicidentata, Simplicidentata), Tillodontia, Carnivora (Sub-orders: Fissipedia, Pinnipedia, Creodonta), Cetacea (Sub orders: Archaeoceti, Odontoceti, Mystacoceti), Sirenia, Ungulata (Sub-orders: Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, Barypoda, Toxodontia, Amblypoda, Litopterna, Ancylopoda, Condylarthra, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla), Primates (Sub-orders: Prosimiae, Anthropoidea).

The following are the leading characteristics by means of which the sub-order Perissodactyla is distinguished from the Artiodactyla.

The Perissodactyla have been brigaded with the Artiodactyla to form the typical group of the ungulates, under the name of Diplarthra, or Ungulata Vera, and the features distinguishing the combined group from the less specialized members of the order Ungulata will be found under the heading of that order.

The characteristics of camels and their systematic position are discussed under the headings Tylopoda and Artiodactyla.

artiodactyla's Meaning':

an order of hooved mammals of the subclass Eutheria (including pigs and peccaries and hippopotami and members of the suborder Ruminantia


suborder Ruminantia, subclass Eutheria, Eutheria, Ruminantia, Hippopotamidae, animal order, order Artiodactyla, Suidae, family Hippopotamidae, Tayassuidae, artiodactyl, even-toed ungulate, family Suidae, family Tayassuidae, Camelidae, artiodactyl mammal, family Camelidae,


odd-toed ungulate,

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