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aptly Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

aptly ka kya matlab hota hai

समुचित रूप से


हाजिरजवाबी से, व्‍युत्‍पन्‍नता से,

aptly शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इस पर बोधा के मुख से निकला - "सुभान अल्लाह!" महाराज उनकी हाजिरजवाबी से बहुत खुश हुए और उन्होंने अपनी बेहद खूबसूरत राजनर्तकी (सुबहान) बोधा को उपहार में दे दी।


aptly's Usage Examples:

338 ff.) aptly compares the use in treaties, which are the oldest species of public documents.

His bold and vigorous language aptly expressed the thoughts which had long been secretly stirring Russian minds, and were now beginning to find a timid utterance at home.

To meet these claims an agreement (which has been aptly called the constitutional charter of the Sudan) between Great Britain and Egypt, was signed on the 19th of January 1899, establishing the joint sovereignty of the two states throughout 1 In the autumn of 1903 Mahommed-el-Amin, a native of Tunis, proclaimed himself the Mandi and got together a following in Kordofan.

Gentz has been very aptly described as a mercenary of the pen, and assuredly no other such mercenary has ever carved out for himself a more remarkable career.

His services to his country are aptly epitomized in the epitaph on his ancient monument at Ringsted church which describes him as "Sclavorum dominator, patriae liberator et pacis conservator."

This has been aptly called "the disendowment of the religion of the misteries."

The Berliner Neueste Nachrichten, commenting on this appointment, very aptly characterized the relations of the new chancellor to the emperor, in contrast to the position occupied by Bismarck.

from Azerbaijan in the north-west to Baluchistan in the south-east, may aptly be called the Central Range.

Bale is also the authority for another assertion that figures in what has been aptly termed the poet's "traditional biography," viz.

But it may be doubted whether De Morgan's own system, "horrent with mysterious spiculae," as Hamilton aptly described it, is fitted to exhibit the real analogy between quantitative and qualitative reasoning, which is rather to be sought in the logical works of Boole.


competently, capably, ably,


displaying incompetence, incompetently,

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