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apprentice Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

apprentice ka kya matlab hota hai



नवसिखुआ, चेला,

apprentice शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

रैदास का एक चेला उधा था।

ए. चेला (स्वर्गीय), आर्ट डायरेक्टर (फ्लिम: सेतु, राम, नंद, पिथममगण, अचर्रिया)।

|2006 || सैंडविच || चेलारमानी ||।

जो दशनामी साधु किसी वैसे मठधारी का चेला बनकर उसका उत्तराधिकारी हो जाता है उसे प्रबंधादि भी करने पड़ते हैं।

उसमें जादू जो उसके बैग में था, गिर जाता है जिसे हवलदार चेलाराम (जॉनी लीवर) देख लेता है।

गेहूं के आटे के बारे में 85 मिलियन टन प्रति वर्ष किया जाता है के लिए रोटी सेंकना एक एंजाइम बुलाया जोड़ने के लिए आटा maltogenic amylase करके. [25], ब्रेड नवसिखुआ अब रहता है।

अन्नू कपूर — चेलाराम।

राजा खादिरसार भील - जैन ग्रंथों के अनुसार राजा खादिरसार मगध के राजा थे , राजा खादिरसार की पत्नी का नाम चेलमा था , प्रारंभ में राजा खादिरसार बौद्घ धर्म के अनुयाई थे , परन्तु रानी चेलामा के उपदेश से प्रभावित होकर उन्होंने जैन धर्म अपना लिया और महावीर स्वामी जी के प्रथम भक्त बन गए ।

बाबा चेला चतुर मछिन्द्रनाथ को, अधबधु रूप बनाये।

  परंपरागत रूप से, गुरु शिष्य (या संस्कृत में चेला) या छात्र के लिए एक श्रद्धेय व्यक्ति है, गुरु एक "परामर्शदाता के रूप में सेवा करता है, जो मूल्यों को ढालने में मदद करता है, अनुभवात्मक ज्ञान को उतना ही साझा करता है जितना कि शाब्दिक ज्ञान, जीवन में एक अनुकरणीय, एक प्रेरणादायक  स्रोत और जो एक छात्र के आध्यात्मिक विकास में मदद करता है"।

खाद्य रयायन नीचे दी गयी सूची में नवसिखुआ रसायनज्ञों (amateur chemists.) के लिये 'लगभग शुद्ध' रसायनों के सरल स्रोत बताये गये हैं।

एक बार वे दल के लिये धन जुटाने हेतु गाज़ीपुर के एक मरणासन्न साधु के पास चेला बनकर भी रहे ताकि उसके मरने के बाद मठ की सम्पत्ति उनके हाथ लग जाये।

apprentice's Usage Examples:

Up till 1477 he is still spoken of as a pupil or apprentice of Verrocchio; but in that year he seems to have been taken into special favour by Lorenzo the Magnificent, and to have worked as an independent artist under his patronage until 1482-1483.

There had been no one at Nuremberg skilled enough in the art of metal-engraving to teach it him to much purpose, and it had at one time been his father's intention to apprentice him to Martin Schongauer of Colmar, the most refined and accomplished German painter-engraver of his time.

He began his medical career as apprentice to John Paisley, a Glasgow surgeon, and after completing his apprenticeship he became surgeon to a merchant vessel trading between London and the West Indies.

Of certified and accepted paintings produced by the young genius, whether during his apprentice or his independent years at Florence (about 1470-1482), very few are extant, and the two most important are incomplete.

He has stated in his autobiography that through all his early years of struggle, when he was successively grocer's apprentice at Fiirstenberg, cabin-boy on the "Dorothea" bound for Venezuela, and, after her wreck, office attendant and then book-keeper in Amsterdam, he nourished a passion for the Homeric story and an ambition to become a great linguist.

Horace from childhood desired to be a printer, and, when barely eleven years old, tried to be taken as an apprentice in an office at Whitehall, New York, but was rejected on account of his youth.

But the most remarkable of the persons with whom at this time Johnson consorted was Richard Savage, an earl's son, a shoemaker's apprentice, who had seen life in all its forms, who had feasted among blue ribands in St James's Square, and had lain with fifty pounds weight of irons on his legs in the condemned ward of Newgate.

2 Samuel Lincoln (c. 1619-1690), the president's first American ancestor, son of Edward Lincoln, gent., of Hingham, Norfolk, emigrated to Massachusetts in 1637 as apprentice to a weaver and settled with two older brothers in Hingham, Mass.

He graduated at Harvard in 1727, then became an apprentice in his father's counting-room, and for several years devoted himself to business.

He was an apprentice of Joseph Henry Green, the distinguished surgeon at St Thomas's, well known for his friendship for Samuel Taylor Coleridge, whose literary executor Green became.


prentice, novice, initiate, printer"s devil, tyro, tiro, learner, beginner,


summerize, winterize, nonreligious person, uninitiate, exclude,

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