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appointments Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

appointments ka kya matlab hota hai



समयादेश, नियोग, अपॉइंटमेंट, नियुक्ति,

appointments शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

लक्ष्मण एक हैदराबाद, आंध्रप्रदेश में नियोगी ब्राह्मण परिवार में पैदा हुए थे।

ख: पांडु और धृतराष्ट्र का जन्म विचित्रवीर्य की मृत्यु के बाद व्यास द्वारा नियोग पद्धति से किया गया था।

तब सत्यवती की आज्ञा से व्यासजी ने नियोग के द्वारा अम्बिका के गर्भ से धृतराष्ट्र और अम्बालिका के गर्भ से पाण्डु को उत्पन्न किया।

३-३१) में पांडु ने अपनी पत्नी कुंती को नियोग के लिए प्रेरित करते हुए कहा था कि 'पुराने जमाने में विवाह की कोई प्रथा न थी, स्त्री पुरुषों को यौन संबंध करने की पूरी स्वतंत्रता थी।

वैदिक युग के बाद परस्री से, नियोग द्वारा संतति उत्पन्न करने जैसे नियमों को त्याग दिया गया।

14.सन् 1983 में शंकर गुहा नियोगी के व्दारा छत्तीसगढ़ संग्राम मंच का गठन किया गया. पवन दीवान व्दारा पृथक छत्तीसगढ़ पार्टी का गठन किया गया.।

13.सन् 1976 में शंकर गुहा नियोगी ने पृथक छत्तीसगढ़ हेतु छत्तीसगढ़ मुक्ति मोर्चा का गठन किया.।

शरणार्थी और बहाली मंत्री - क्षितिज चंद्र नियोगी।

विधवा विवाह, महिलाओं का उपनयन संस्कार, नियोग, गन्धर्व एवं अंतर्जातीय विवाह प्रचलित था।

पाणिनीय सूत्र की टीका में निमन्त्रण शब्द का जो अर्थ बताया गया है वो इस प्रकार है: नियतरूपेण आह्वानं, नियोगकरणम्।

नानृतं नाप्रियं चैव न गर्व नापि वा बहु | न नियोगधरं ब्रूयात् गुरोराज्ञां विभावयेत् || १४७||।

उसके कई विधि नियम तथा समयादेश प्राप्त हुए हैं।

appointments's Usage Examples:

He resigned all his appointments in 1874, and on the 7th of October 1876 died at Munich while attending the sittings of the historical commission.

Its head is the tsar; but although he makes and annuls all appointments, he does not determine questions of dogmatic theology.

In the later years of his life in New Hampshire he was the most prominent of the local Republican leaders and built up his party by partisan appointments.

For this unfortunate combination Signor Sonnino himself was not altogether to blame; having lost many of his most faithful followers, who, weary of waiting for office, had gone over to the enemy, he had been forced to seek support among men who had professed hostility to the existing order of things and thus to secure at least the neutrality of the Extreme Left and make the public realize that the reddest of Socialists, Radicals and Republicans may be tamed and rendered harmless by the offer of cabinet appointments.

The Senate, in which the partisans of the ministry had been increased by numerous appointments ad hoc, finally set the seal of its approval upon the measure.

The French system of taxation was maintained because it brought in ampler revenues; but feudalism, the antiquated legislation and bureaucracy were revived, and all the officers and officials still living who had served the state before the Revolution, many of them now in their dotage, were restored to their posts; only nobles were eligible for the higher government appointments; all who had served under the French administration were dismissed pr reduced in rank, and in the army beardless scions of the aristocracy were placed over the, heads of war-worn veterans who had commanded regiments in Spain and Russia.

The state controls all ecclesiastical appointments, decides on the passing or rejection of all decrees of the Holy See, and provides an annual subsidy for maintenance of the churches and clergy.

We use local doctors and dentists and Jeff tries to schedule evening appointments because it's diffi­cult with his working in Philadelphia.

The state contributes to the support of the Church, builds its churches and provides for the salaries of its clergy, and at the same time it has the right to approve or reject all ecclesiastical appointments and to permit or forbid the execution of all decrees of the Roman See relating to Venezuela.

All elections and appointments are biennial.


decision, naming, recognition, ordinance, co-optation, determination, co-option, assignment, delegacy, ordination, nomination, conclusion, designation,


middle, defeat, victory, beginning, activation,

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