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animating Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

animating ka kya matlab hota hai


animating शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

रॉटन टोमैटोज की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, 137 समीक्षाओं के आधार पर इस सर्वसम्मत दृष्टिकोण के साथ कि फिल्म में "अधिक सुवर्णित पात्र, विशद अनुप्राणन तथा अधिक सुसंगत हास्य के साथ, मूल फिल्म की अपेक्षा सुधार हुआ है", 65% आलोचकों ने सकारात्मक समीक्षा की हैं।


अनुप्राणन या एनिमेशन द्विआयामी और त्रिआयामी कलाकृतियों या निदर्श (मॉडल) की छवियों का, संचलन का भ्रम उत्पन्न करने के लिए तेजी से किया गया सिलसिलेवार प्रदर्शन है।

चूंकि उस मैच का कोई विडियो रिकार्ड उपलब्ध नहीं है, पेले ने उस गोल का एक कम्प्यूटर अनुप्राणन बनाने को कहा. मार्च 1961 में पेले ने गोल डी प्लाका (फलक बनाने योग्य गोल) बनाया, जो उन्होंने मैराकाना में फ्लुमिनेंस के विरूद्ध किया, जिसे इतना दर्शनीय माना गया कि मैराकाना के इतिहास में सबसे सुंदर गोल को समर्पित करते हुए एक फलक का निर्माण शुरू करवाया गया .।

animating's Usage Examples:

But it would be hardly true to say that the animating motive of his satire was political.

In his endeavours to realize this aim he had to contend with the new spirit of national consciousness animating the Boers, which found expression in the formation of the Afrikander Bond.

Piet Retief, the ablest of the leaders of the exodus, on the eve of leaving the colony published a declaration at Graham's Town, dated January 22nd 1837, in which he declared the chief reasons animating the emigrants to be: I.

But institutions that have lost their life and animating spirit can hardly be preserved for any length of time.

On the speculative side, Ramanuja also met Sankara's strictly monistic theory by another recognizing Vishnu as identical with Brahma as the Supreme Spirit animating the material world as well as the individual souls which have become estranged from God through unbelief, and can only attain again conscious union with him through devotion or love (bhakti).

The animating spirit of love, moreover, has here deepened and intensified into a crystalline harmony of earthly passion with the love that is divine and transcending; the outward manifestation is regarded as a symbol of a sentiment at once eternal and quintessential.

2 Another legend is that contained in the preface to theRegister or Black Book of the order, compiled in the reign of Henry VIII., by what authority supported is unknown, that Richard I., while his forces were employed against Cyprus and Acre, had been inspired through the instrumentality of St George with renewed courage and the means of animating his fatigued soldiers by the device of tying about the legs of a chosen number of knights a leathern thong or garter, to the end that being thereby reminded of the honour of their enterprise they might be encouraged to redoubled efforts for victory.

But the main purport of the treatise was the exposition of an elaborate system of celestial harmonies depending on the various and varying velocities of the several planets, of which the sentient soul animating the sun was the solitary auditor.

It was impossible for Schelling, the animating principle of whose thought was ever the reconciliation of differences, not to take and to take speedily the step towards the conception of the uniting basis of which nature and spirit are manifestations, forms, or consequences.

The spirit of Rome appears only as animating the protest of Lucan, the satire of Persius and Juvenal, the sombre picture which Tacitus paints of the annals of the empire.


invigorating, enlivening,


enervating, unstimulating, debilitating,

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