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amorous Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

amorous ka kya matlab hota hai



रसिक, प्रेमशील, प्रेर्मविषयक, प्रेमातुर,

amorous शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

केशव बड़े भावुक और रसिक व्यक्ति थे।

हिन्दु बौद्ध शिख जैन पारसिक मुसलमान खृष्टानी।

ये थे आचार्य केशवदास, जिनकी सर्वप्रसिद्ध रचनाएँ कविप्रिया, रसिकप्रिया और रामचंद्रिका हैं।

इन्हें कहानियों में अत्यधिक चंचल, चपल और रसिक वर्णित किया जाता है।

हिन्दी में लेखन आरम्भ करने से पूर्व उन्होंने रसिकेन्द्र नाम से ब्रजभाषा में कविताएँ, दोहा, चौपाई, छप्पय आदि छंद लिखे।


बिहारी सतसई आज भी रसिक जनों का काव्य-हार बनी हुई है।

रसिकप्रिया के अनुसार केशव ओड़छा राज्यातर्गत तुंगारराय के निकट बेतवा नदी के किनारे स्थित ओड़छा नगर में रहते थे।

१९४७ में भारत की स्वाधीनता के बाद आई आई टी खड़गपुर की स्थापना उच्च कोटि के वैज्ञानिकों और इंजीनियरों को प्रसिक्षित करने के लिए हुई थी।

यह शहर येऊर और पारसिक पहाड़ियों से घिरा हुआ है।

बिहरि गाव वालो कि अरसिक्त का उपहास करते हुए कहते हैं-।

रामभक्ति के रसिक संप्रदाय के काव्य में श्रृंगार रस को प्रमुखता मिली है।

कविप्रिया में अलंकार और रसिकप्रिया में रस का सोदाहरण निरूपण है।

महान संत स्वामी श्री युगलानन्यशरण जी महाराज की तपस्थली यह स्थान देश भर में रसिकोपासना के आचार्यपीठ के रूप में प्रसिद्ध है।

amorous's Usage Examples:

On the rocks forming the western end of the harbour stands Rossend Castle, where the amorous French poet Chastelard repeated the insult to Queen Mary which led to his execution.

Very early in his reign, Honoria, grand-daughter of the emperor Theodosius II., being subjected to severe restraint on account of an amorous intrigue with one of the chamberlains of the palace, sent her ring to the king of the Huns and called on him to be her husband and her deliverer.

And he further observes that " a great variety of devices and mottoes were used by Edward III.; they were chosen from the most trivial causes and were of an amorous rather than of a military character.

At that time in the Rostovs' house there prevailed an amorous atmosphere characteristic of homes where there are very young and very charming girls.

In the final judgment of the famous libel case of the Bombay Maharajas, before the Supreme Court of Bombay, in January 1862, these improprieties were severely commented upon; and though so unsparing a critic of Indian sects as Jogendra Nath seems not to believe in actual immoral practices on the part of the Maharajas, still he admits that "the corrupting influence of a religion, that can make its female votaries address amorous songs to their spiritual guides, must be very great."

Bianca's accommodating husband was given court employment, and consoled himself with other ladies; in 157 2 he was murdered in the streets of Florence in consequence of some amorous intrigue, though possibly Bianca and Francesco were privy to the deed.

This seems to have been an amorous freak, not the result of any deep-laid policy.

All of this entertainment and outdoor activity can make one feel rather amorous.

As soon as he entered he noticed and felt the tension of the amorous air in the house, and also noticed a curious embarrassment among some of those present.

Descartes never married, and had little of the amorous in his temperament.


loving, amative,


practical, classicist, unloving,

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