america Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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america शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
ब्रिटेन, आयरलैंड और आइसलैंड जैसे देश एक द्वीप होते हुए भी यूरोप का हिस्सा हैं, पर ग्रीनलैंड उत्तरी अमरीका का हिस्सा है।
नेपाल की सांस्कृतिक परम्परा को कायम रखने के लिए वि॰सं॰ 2017 साल में संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका के कांग्रेस के दोनों सदनों के संयुक्त अधिवेशन को सम्बोधन करते हुए श्री 5 महेन्द्र ने स्पष्टरूप में कहा था कि 'सैनिक कार्यों में लगने वाले खर्च संसार की गरीबी हटाने में व्यय हों'।
इस सदी में दो विश्व युद्ध हुए जिनमे सभी विश्व शक्तियाँ शामिल हुई जिनमे शामिल है जर्मनी, फ़्रान्स, इटली, जापान, अमरीका तथा ब्रिटन।
इससे पश्चिमी दुनिया जिसका नेतृत्व अमरीका ने किया उसके साथ ठंडा युद्ध हुआ।
अब अमरीका इराक़ में स्थानीय लोगों को अधिक संख्या में सामने लाना चाहता है और बड़े पैमाने पर होने वाली कार्रवाइयाँ कम करना चाहता है।
अमरीका इराक़ में अपनी सैन्य रणनीति में बदलाव करने की योजना बना रहा है।
ठंडे युद्ध के दौरान इनमे से कई अपनी रक्षा के लिये अमरीका के साथ जुडे तो कई सोवियत संघ के साथ तो कई चीन के साथ।
१९८० के दशक के अंत तक साम्यवाद के गिर जाने से अमरीका विश्व की एक मात्र शक्ति रह गयी।
. सोलह साल की उम्र में वो अमरीका गईं, जहाँ 1969 से 1973 तक वे रैडक्लिफ़ कॉलेज में पढ़ाई की तथा उसके बाद हार्वर्ड विश्वविद्यालय से कला-स्नातक की परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण की।
अमरीका में बनने वाले चलचित्र में सबसे ज़्यादा पैसा लगने की वजह से वहाँ पर बनने वाले चलचित्र काफ़ी लोकप्रिय हुए जिसकी वजह से अमरीकी संस्कृति दुनिया भर में तेज़ी से फ़ैली।
पृथ्वी पर 7 महाद्वीप हैं: एशिया, यूरोप, अफ्रीका, उत्तरी अमरीका, दक्षिण अमेरिका, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, अंटार्कटिका।
सदी के पहले भाग में अमरीका और युरोप में राजनैतिक अधिकार प्राप्त करने के पश्चात औरतें इस सदी के दौरान अधिक स्वतंत्र हुई।
असली आधुनिक कोश आया इक्यावन वर्ष बाद 1806 में अमरीका में नोहा वैब्स्टर्स की नोहा वैब्स्टर्स ए कंपैंडियस डिक्शनरी आफ़ इंग्लिश लैंग्वेज प्रकाशित हुई।
america's Usage Examples:
I've left vestiges of my activities along the roadsides of America and yet, they don't know I exist!
You may come to America and be poor, but if you work hard, your children will have a better life and a better opportunity.
Albania is perhaps the least-known region in Europe; and though more than a hundred years have passed since Gibbon described it as "a country within sight of Italy, which is less known than the interior of America," but little progress has yet been made towards a scientific knowledge of this interesting land and its inhabitants.
He indeed became so disgusted with the false position of a pretender to the crown, into which he was being forced, that he wished to go to America, but, as the comtesse de Buffon would not go with him, he decided to remain in Paris.
In Central and South America in 2000 were eighteen million Internet users; today, more than two hundred million.
On to rural America where the pickings are as fertile as the country side and there's always a trusting little soul willing to help a stranger.
A large variety of materials have been used in their manufacture by different peoples at different times - painted linen and shavings of stained horn by the Egyptians, gold and silver by the Romans, rice-paper by the Chinese, silkworm cocoons in Italy, the plumage of highly coloured birds in South America, wax, small tinted shells, 'c. At the beginning of the 8th century the French, who originally learnt the art from the Italians, made great advances in the accuracy of their reproductions, and towards the end of that century the Paris manufacturers enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
The return address on the envelope was Columbia, South America, but it wasn't addressed to anyone.
I was born in America, and Mr. Anagnos was born in Greece.
In America, the proceeds went to The Red Cross.
Minnesota, Everglade State, DC, TX, Virginia, Nevada, ID, MT, MO, Mid-Atlantic states, Pine Tree State, Ocean State, Illinois, Georgia, Peace Garden State, Nebraska, Louisiana Purchase, Constitution State, Saint Lawrence, western United States, Idaho, Green Mountain State, Rhode Island, Ohio, Arizona, Land of Lincoln, Empire State, D.C., GA, Tar Heel State, Mississippi, Organization of American States, MD, Alabama, Sooner State, HI, LA, NC, TN, Garden State, Prairie State, Rio Grande, New York State, South Dakota, RI, Equality State, CO, Florida, OR, Heart of Dixie, Niagara River, US, WA, AL, Granite State, New Mexico, New Jersey, Show Me State, Massachusetts, the States, Sunbelt, New River, U.S.A., Yukon River, MS, Pacific Northwest, Mississippi River, NH, Camellia State, WI, Rio Bravo, Great Lakes, MI, Beaver State, American, North America, AK, Golden State, NM, Old Dominion State, Delaware, Centennial State, AZ, Hawai"i, Empire State of the South, District of Columbia, Niobrara River, Niobrara, Montana, Midwest, Hawkeye State, Old Dominion, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Washington, Sagebrush State, Peach State, Aloha State, Coyote State, Yukon, St. Lawrence River, Old North State, Alaska, WY, Mount Rushmore State, New York, Twin, Missouri River, IN, OK, MN, Great Lakes State, Colony, VT, VA, Maryland, CT, Mountain State, South, eastern United States, middle west, Colorado, St. Lawrence, UT, Evergreen State, Beehive State, Lone-Star State, midwestern United States, NJ, Missouri, PA, IL, SD, Cornhusker State, Nutmeg State, DE, Free State, WV, California, Yosemite, Tennessee, Connecticut River, Buckeye State, Wisconsin, Twin Falls, South Carolina, New England, Silver State, U.S., Battle Born State, North Dakota, North, Vermont, Texas, Maine, USA, Sunshine State, Ohio River, Volunteer State, OH, North Carolina, Wolverine State, Hawaii, Calif., Treasure State, Dakota, Indiana, Land of Opportunity, KY, Connecticut, Michigan, NATO, Pelican State, Diamond State, Wyoming, NY, Gopher State, East, American state, Utah, Arkansas, Grand Canyon State, Saint Lawrence River, Magnolia State, West, Bluegrass State, CA, Mormon State, Yosemite Falls, West Virginia, SC, ND, Land of Enchantment, NE, NV, North Star State, MA, Kentucky, United States of America, First State, Last Frontier, Oregon, Kansas, OAS, United States, FL, Palmetto State, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Badger State, Old Colony, Hoosier State, AR, Sunflower State, IA, ME, Louisiana, KS, Gem State, Niagara, Keystone State, Little Rhody, New Hampshire, Old Line State, Bay State, Iowa, Jersey,
southern, western, free state, slave state, eastern,