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alloyed Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

alloyed ka kya matlab hota hai


alloyed's Usage Examples:

Aluminium, when alloyed with a few per cent of magnesium, gains greatly in rigidity while remaining very light; this alloy, under the name of magnalium, is coming into use for small articles in which lightness and rigidity have to be combined.

Titanium is alloyed in small quantities with aluminium for use in naval architecture.

Manganese not only forms with iron several alloys of great interest, but alloyed with copper it is used for electrical purposes, as an alloy can thus be obtained with an electrical resistance that does not alter with change of temperature; this alloy, called manganin, is used in the construction of resistance-boxes.

Alloyed with copper, it is used for the envelopes of bullets.

Neville proved that when one metal is alloyed with a small quantity of some other metal, the solidification obeys the law of F.

This is so when gold and silver are alloyed with each other, and is true in the case of alloys of copper.

A sheet iron case is then placed within the furnace, and the space between it and the walls rammed with limed charcoal; the interior is filled with fragments of the iron or copper to be alloyed, mixed with alumina and coarse charcoal, broken pieces of carbon being placed in position to connect the electrodes.

The learned hold the doctrine of Confucius, and Buddhism, alloyed with much popular superstition, has some influence.

of zinc, all the gold and copper and some silver and lead will be alloyed with the zinc to a so-called gold - or copper - crust, and the residual lead saturated with zinc. By removing from the surface of the lead this first crust and working it up separately (liquating, retorting and cupelling), dore silver is obtained.

These steels then normally consist of y-iron, modified by the large amount of nickel or manganese with which it is alloyed.




impurity, pure,

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