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alexandrian Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

alexandrian ka kya matlab hota hai

एक निवासी या अलेक्जेंड्रिया का मूल (विशेष रूप से मिस्र में अलेक्जेंड्रिया)



alexandrian's Usage Examples:

The technical words by which the process of allegorizing is designated in the Physiologus, like 41,unveia, Occopia, ava'yc.ay, aXXrjyopia, are familiar to the students of Alexandrian exegesis.

In some measure we find this practice adopted by more than one of the Fathers, but it was the Alexandrian school, with its pronounced taste for symbolism, that made the most of it.

The intellectual influence of Greece, manifested in Alexandrian philosophy, tended to remove God still further from the human world of phenomena into that of an inaccessible transcendental abstraction.

As to the library of Peisistratus, we have no good evidence; it may perhaps be a fiction of an Alexandrian writer.

1 may or may not be affected by Philo; it is almost or quite solitary in the N.T.) Similarly, the immortality of the soul may be maintained on Platonic or quasi-Platonic lines, as by St Athanasius (Contra Gentes, § 33) - a writer who repeatedly quotes the Alexandrian Book of Wisdom, in which Platonism and the Old Testament had already joined partnership. This.

the works of Justin, Irenaeus, the Alexandrian Clement, Origen, Tertullian, Cyprian.

According to Suetonius (Caesar, 56), many authorities considered Oppius to have written the histories of the Spanish, African and Alexandrian wars which are printed among the works of Caesar.

It is uncertain whether any of the names of the islands given by Ptolemy ought to be attached to the Andamans; yet it is probable that his name itself is traceable in the Alexandrian geographer.

A new light has been thrown on the 7raparcXauviOupov of the Curculio .047-155) by the discovery of the Alexandrian erotic fragment published by Grenfell and Hunt (Oxford, 1896).

The trace of Alexandrian influence is to be found in the pretence that his actual father was Nectanebus, a fugitive king of Egypt.

alexandrian's Meaning':

a resident or native of Alexandria (especially Alexandria in Egypt


resident, occupant, occupier,


nonresident, migratory, civilian, someone,

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