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alchemist Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

alchemist ka kya matlab hota hai



रसायन बनानेवाला,

alchemist शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

मुस्लिम कीमियागर जबीर इब्न हय्यान (गैबर) ने 8वीं सदी में पहली बार आसवन द्वारा सिरका से एसिटिक अम्ल अलग किया।

इनका उत्पादन मुख्यत: संन्यासी, चिकित्सक तथा कीमियागर (alchemist) करते थे तथा उपयोग में आनेवाली जड़ी, बूटियों, फलों तथा अन्य वनस्पति पदार्थों के चयन में विशेष कौशल अपनाया जाता था।

प्रसिद्ध कीमियागर जेबर ने नाइटर (niter) और ताम्र सल्फेट, (Cu SO4) तथा फिटकरी के साथ आसवन से प्राप्त कर इसका वर्णन किया है।

জজজमध्ययुग के कीमियागरों का लक्ष्य निम्न धातु (लोहे, ताम्र, आदि) को स्वर्ण में परिवर्तन करना था।

गन्धकाम्ल प्राचीनकाल के कीमियागर एवं रसविद् आचार्यों को गन्धकाम्ल के संबंध में बहुत समय से पता था।

इसमें देश में धातुकर्म और कीमियागरी के स्तर का सर्वेक्षण भी दिया गया था।

16वीं शताब्दी में जर्मन कीमियागर एन्ड्रीस लिबावियस ने ऐसी ही एक विधी का वर्णन किया और उसने इस तरह से बने ग्लेशियल एसिटिक अम्ल की तुलना सिरका से बने अम्ल से की।

उन्होंने और पहले के कीमियागरों ने जिन उपकरणों का इस्तेमाल किया था उसकी सूची भी पुस्तक में दी गई है।

इन्होंने कीमियागरी (alchemy) पर पाई जानेवाली प्राचीन ग्रीक तथा अरबी की पुस्तकों का अनुवाद भी कराया और उन्हें कलेक्शन ऑव एंशेंट ग्रीक केमिस्ट्स (Collection of Ancient Greek Chemists) नाम से सन् १८८७-८८ में प्रकाशित किया।

कीमियागरों की सूचि ।

कुछ चर्चित कीमियागरों के नामों की सूचि है:।

वह रसायनज्ञ आर्थत कीमियागर थे।

चिकित्सा परीक्षा पैरासेल्सस (Paracelsus ; 11 नवम्बर या 17 दिसम्बर 1493 – 24 सितम्बर 1541) स्विट्सरलैण्ड के, १६ वीं शती के, लब्ध प्रतिष्ठ एलकेमिस्ट, अर्थात् कीमियागर या रसायनज्ञ थे।

alchemist's Usage Examples:

Regarding all substances as being composed of one primitive matter - the prima materia, and as owing their specific differences to the presence of different qualities imposed upon it, the alchemist hoped, by taking away these qualities, to obtain the prima materia itself, and then to get from it the particular substance he desired by the addition of the appropriate qualities.

There he presented himself to the grand master of the Maltese order as Count Cagliostro, and curried favour with him as a fellow alchemist, for the grand master's tastes lay in the same direction.

KUNKEL (or KUNCKEL) VON LOWENSTJERN, JOHANN (1630-1703), German chemist, was born in 1630 (or 1638), near Rendsburg, his father being alchemist to the court of Holstein.

He himself was an alchemist; and believing the transmutation of metals to be a possibility, he carried out experiments in the hope of effecting it; and he was instrumental in obtaining the repeal, in 1689, of the statute of Henry IV.

Though an alchemist, Boyle, in his Sceptical Chemist (1661), cast doubts on the " experiments whereby vulgar Spagyrists are wont to endeavour to evince their salt, sulphur and mercury to be the true principles of things," and advanced towards the conception of chemical elements as those constituents of matter which cannot be further decomposed.

He sold his share in the property in 1776 for £35,000, and took leave of the stage by playing a round of his favourite characters - Hamlet, Lear, Richard and Benedick, among Shakespearian parts; Lusignan in Zara, Aaron Hill's adaptation of Voltaire's Zaire; and Kitely in his own adaptation of Ben Jonson's Archer in Farquhar's Beaux' Stratagem; Abel Drugger in Ben Jonson's Alchemist; Sir John Brute in Vanbrugh's Provoked Wife; Leon in Fletcher's Rule a Wife and have a Wife.

John, called the " Alchemist," who was born in 1403, had been disappointed in his hope of obtaining the vacant electoral duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg in 1423.

The discovery of phosphorus by Brand, a Hamburg alchemist, in 1669 excited chemists to an unwonted degree; it was also independently prepared by Robert Boyle and J.

I thought that was that guy from full metal alchemist.

ALESSANDRO CAGLIOSTRO, Count (1743-1795), Italian alchemist and impostor, was born at Palermo on the 8th of June 1 743.


intellect, intellectual,


unscholarly, nonintellectual, physical,

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