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agglutinating Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

agglutinating ka kya matlab hota hai


एक साथ स्ट्रिंग (एक aglutinating भाषा में morphemes)

agglutinating's Usage Examples:

The Tasmanians spoke a fairly copious agglutinating language, well marked as to parts of speech, syntax and inflexion.

Kruse and C. Nicolle have found that if a bacterial culture be filtered germ-free, an agglutinating serum still produces some change in it, so that particles suspended in it become gathered into clumps.

Limonite often forms a cementing medium in ferruginous sands and gravels, forming "pan"; and in like manner it is the agglutinating agent in many conglomerates, like the South African "banket," where it is auriferous.

By means of agglutination, that is, by adding to the bases form-words as prefixes, suffixes or infixes, the Tibetan language has developed a considerable grammatical system and is now agglutinating rather than isolating.

agglutinating's Meaning':

string together (morphemes in an agglutinating language


adhesive, agglutinative,


nonadhesive, dislodge, unfasten,

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