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additions Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

additions ka kya matlab hota hai



जोड़ने की क्रिया, जोड़ी गई वस्तु, जोड़, वृद्धि,

additions शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


अध्ययन से दीक्षित होकर शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में कार्य करते हुए शिक्षा में या अपने शैक्षिक विषय में कुछ जोड़ने की क्रिया अनुसन्धान कहलाती है।

additions's Usage Examples:

It seems probable that the Vinaya and the four Nikayas were put substantially into the shape in which we now have them before the council at Vesali, a hundred years after the Buddha's death; that slight alterations and additions were made in them, and the miscellaneous Nikaya and the Abhidhamma books completed, at various times down to the third council under Asoka; and that the canon was then considered closed.

On his death in 1035 Archbishop Poppo converted the gate into two churches, one above the other, but all the additions except the apse have now been removed.

Delage and Herouard (Hydrozoa [2]) were the first to make an heroic attempt to unite the two classifications into one, to which Hickson (Hydrozoa [4]) has made some additions and slight modifications.

Its intricacy lies in the character of the documents before us - religious formularies consisting partly of matter established in usage long before they were written down in their present shape, partly of additions made at the time of writing.

But the greatness of Wagner is shown in the fact that with all the effect his additions have in revolutionizing the resources of orchestration, he never regards his novelties as substitutes for the natural principles of instrumental effect.

The accuracy and the paraphernalia are equally exemplified in all Wagner's additions and alterations of the classical orchestral scheme, for these all consist in completing the families of instruments so that each timbre can be presented pure in complete harmony.

The Hebrew text of the book of Ezekiel is not in good condition - it is full of scribal inaccuracies and additions.

The majority perhaps of the nuraghi of Sardinia present this simple type; but a very large number, and, among them, those best preserved, have considerable additions.

The total paid-up railway capital of the United Kingdom amounted, in 1908, to £1,310,533,212, or an average capitalization of £56,476 per route mile, though it should be noted that this total included £196,364,618 of nominal additions through " stock-splitting," 'c. Per mile of single track, the capitalization in England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the United Kingdom, is shown in Table VIII.

The parish church, with its two lofty towers, is substantially a Romanesque building of the 13th century, but the choir and transepts are Gothic additions of a later date.


annex, component, attachment, element, afterthought, extension, annexe, additive, constituent, add-on, elongation, improver, wing,


decolonise, curve, flexion, contraction, nonlinear,

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