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abridge Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

abridge ka kya matlab hota hai

लघु करना


संक्षेप करना,

abridge's Usage Examples:

- Where an agreement for a lease specifies only such essential conditions as the payment of rent, and either mentions no other terms, or provides that the lease shall contain the " usual " covenants, the parties are entitled to have inserted in the lease made in pursuance of the agreement such other provisions as are " usual " in leases of property of the same character, and in the same district, not being provisions tending to abridge or qualify the legal incidents of the estate intended to be granted to the lessee.

believe in freedom of speech and contract, and oppose the race laws because they abridge this freedom?

§ 9, and first ten amendments): It may not suspend the writ of habeas corpus (except in time of war or public danger) or pass a bill of attainder or an ex post facto law; give any state a commercial preference over another; grant any title of nobility; establish or prohibit any religion, or impose any religious test as a condition of holding office; abridge the freedom of speaking or writing, or of public meeting, or of bearing arms; try any person for certain offences except on the presentment of a grand jury, or otherwise than by a jury of his state and district; decide any common law action where the value in dispute exceeds "20 except by a jury.

abridge provided that " congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.

The evils attendant on this system were found to be so great that the Pluralities Act 1838 was passed to abridge the holding of benefices in plurality, and it was enacted that no person should hold under any circumstances more than two benefices, and this privilege was made subject to the restriction that his benefices were within ten statute miles of each other.

He wrote because he liked to write; he did not abridge, because he cared not to abridge.

and xv.) make any treaty or alliance; coin money or make anything, save gold and silver coin, a legal tender; pass any bill of attainder or ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts; have any but a republican form of government; grant any title of nobility; maintain slavery; abridge the privileges of any citizen of the United States, or deny to him the right of voting on account of race, colour or previous condition of servitude; deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; deny to any person the equal protection of the laws.

Immediately afterward he was a member of a commission appointed "to revise the laws in force in the state; to select, abridge, alter and digest them, so as to be accommodated to the present government."

§ I of the amendments to the constitution (enacted July 28, 1868), no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."

So little was the collection considered as a literary work with a definite text that every one assumed a right to abridge or enlarge, to insert ideas of his own, or fresh scriptural quotations; nor were the scribes and translators by any means scrupulous about the names of natural objects, and even the passages from Holy Writ.


digest, condense, cut, bowdlerise, lessen, bowdlerize, foreshorten, abbreviate, concentrate, reduce, castrate, minify, edit out, expurgate, contract, shorten, edit, decrease,


escalate, appreciate, stretch, increase, expand,

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