ज़ोर की आवाज़ Meaning in English
ज़ोर की आवाज़ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : loud voice
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बुलंद आवाजलाउडहैलर
ऊंचे स्वर से
ज़ोरों के साथ
ऊँचे स्वर में
ज़ोर के साथ
जो़र से आवाज करते हुए जाना
ज़ोरों पर
तेज आवाज में
लाउडस्पीकर प्रणाली
ज़ोर-की-आवाज़ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
When someone in a loud voice began to shout: 'Comrade Pablo Neruda!' we all answered 'Present!.
But when he entered the place, he at once threw himself on his knees and with a loud voice prayed to God that .
By the mid 15th century, the Dalberg family had grown to be of such importance that, in 1494, the German King Maximilian I granted them the honor of being the first to receive knighthood at the coronation, this part of the ceremonies being opened by the herald asking in a loud voice Ist kein Dalberg da? ("Is no Dalberg present?").
The Karliner Hasidim are especially known for their custom to cry out in a strong and loud voice to God when praying.
Whenever a past or current Hugo loser entered, Martin, standing atop his three-drawer-high room dresser, would take a swig directly from a liquor bottle, and in a loud voice announce, "Looooose," as his other arm, held on high, made a wide, sweeping downward arc, all to the delight of the assembled party goers.
At the moment when she arrived, Father Rubio paused for a moment in his speech and said in loud voice: "At this very moment one of you just received a very special grace.
However, when Tang forces launched a subsequent attack, when Li Siye heard the war drums being played, he yelled out in a loud voice, and suddenly, he bled profusely from his wound and died.
This at least is the interpretation given in Rupa Goswami's Prathama Chaitanyaashtaka which states that Chaitanya himself had chanted this maha-mantra in a loud voice.
He lifts His hands and with a loud voice says, "It is done;" and all the angelic host lay off their crowns as He makes the solemn announcement: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
They have machines that work by themselves, great big pieces of metal that smell bad and take them where they want, great strength, loud voices, boxes that release sound, and objects which they use to fire stone-like round things that can hurt or kill.