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ज़िद करना Meaning in English

ज़िद करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to insist

ज़िद-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Hymnody became acceptable for Presbyterians and Anglicans around the middle of the nineteenth century, though the Reformed Presbyterians continue to insist on exclusive a cappella psalmody.

The view has been taken that damages are not a suitable remedy when the loss suffered by an individual cannot be assessed meaningfully, but if they can be quantified then ordering an authority to pay compensation is preferable to insisting that it act in a manner that it regards as not being in the public interest.

Cort state that anekāntavāda is a doctrine that was historically used by Jain scholars not to accept other viewpoints, but to insist on the Jain viewpoint.

Nevertheless, Mao felt well enough to insist to his officials that he would meet with Nixon upon his arrival.

He ordered Castellano to insist for any surrender of Italy to be conditioned on a landing of Allied troops on the Italian mainland.

Bromley maintained personal respect towards Mary throughout the trial but continued to insist that "neither her imprisonment nor her prerogative of Royal Majesty could exempt her from answering in this kingdom.

Currently, a few holdouts continue to insist on a Western Zhou date while the majority follow Qian Mu and Gu Jiegang in assigning the work to about the 3rd century BC.

Furthermore, the families of victims and their organizations continue to demand information on the fate of the missing and to insist that "justice" must precede reconciliation.

Macdonald continued to insist that he did not personally dislike Ohlmeyer but that Ohlmeyer hated him.

Except in these cases, either party has a right to insist on a division of the property.

Undeterred, he told MPs: "There is a movement in Wales, an uprising, as it were, that will not only support the bill but will continue to insist upon it until Wales is represented in the United Kingdom as something more than a mere region.

In other words, it is that principle which would seek to insist on the separate reality of either pole, at the expense of the other, and thus to impair the original wholeness of the divine experience as the Reality by trying to sever the all-important link between "own" and "other" and consign each to mutually exclusive isolation in absurdity".

As part of the 1976 census, a large number of people failed to fill out an electoral re-registration card, and census staff had not been given the authority to insist on the card being completed.

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