हेयर सेल Meaning in English
हेयर सेल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hair cell
, hair Cell
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बालों की नक़ली टोपीकेश प्रसाधन शैली
केश सज्जाकार
बालों की उंगली घास
बाल उड़ाना
से बाल बाल
बाल पकड़
बाल हतया
बाल सुधार
केश रजिस्टर
बाल हटाना
बालों की जड़
बाल नोचना
बालवृक्ष,छोटा पौधा
हेयर-सेल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
High frequency [cell]s would therefore be sensitive to a greater proportion of the total energy in noise than low frequency hair cells.
The more intense this vibration is, the more the hair cells are deflected and the more likely they are to cause cochlear nerve firings.
He noted that in two classic studies individual hair cell neurons did not always fire at the first moment they were able to.
The peripheral axons of auditory nerve fibers form synaptic connections with the hair cells of the cochlea via ribbon synapses using the neurotransmitter glutamate.
Type I neurons make up 90-95% of the neurons and innervate the inner hair cells.
Each type I axon innervates only a single inner hair cell, but each inner hair cell is innervated by up to 30 such nerve fibers, depending on species and location within the cochlea.
Type II neurons make up the remaining 5-10% of the neurons and innervate the outer hair cells.
In humans the vestibular nerve transmits sensory information transmitted by vestibular hair cells located in the two otolith organs (the utricle and the saccule) and the three semicircular canals via the vestibular ganglion of Scarpa.
It acts by interfering with the signal transmission between vestibular apparatus of the inner ear and the vomiting centre of the [by limiting the activity of the vestibular hair cells which send signals about movement.
Stimulation of the semicircular canals occurs when the movement of the endolymph inside the canals causes movement of the crista ampullaris and the hair cells within them.
Stimulation of the otolith organs occurs when gravitational forces or linear accelerations cause movement of the otolith membrane, the otoliths, or the hair cells of the macula.