हेकलर Meaning in English
हेकलर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hecolor
, heckler
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हेक्टर बर्लियोज़
हेज सरसों
हेकलर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A November 16 performance at the Oracle Arena in Oakland ended after Williams again entered into a profanity-laced confrontation with a heckler and was assisted off stage by his own security staff.
His spell in England was overshadowed by poor discipline, with Tarantini flattening Manchester United defender Brian Greenhoff, and ending his 23-game spell in Birmingham by wading into the crowd to punch a heckler.
On August 27, 2011, his performance at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona was marred by an incident during which Williams responded to a heckler, identified as being of Mexican descent, with an angry tirade that included Williams shouting ".
Ryan Sheckler (Plan B Skateboards).
A November 1 performance at the Wells Fargo Theatre in Denver ended after Williams jumped off the stage to confront a heckler.
Arm's version of the story suggests a large group of hecklers, but according to Morgan it was "a small group"hellip; trying desperately to out 'punk rock' each other, while the rest of the audience"hellip; smart enough to realize that punk was much more of a mindset than a hairstyle " a jacket"hellip; looked on in befuddled amusement"mdash;".
" During one sermon, he became perturbed by hecklers at the back of the room and shouted in frustration "Good Lord, Thou knowest that since I gave up my wicked ways I have devoted my life to Thy service, and have given Thee the whole of my time.
Meetings became limited to members only after hecklers began disrupting their open meetings.
|Sheckler Foundation: Down for Life – Fight for a Cause.
" Posca also dispatches a number of nearby thugs to drag the heckler off: without further interruptions, Vorenus soon has the crowd hanging on his every word.
Along with team members PJ Ladd, Ryan Sheckler, Torey Pudwill, Danny Way and Colin McKay, Duffy is scheduled to appear in the Plan B video True, which is expected to be released in late 2014.
Sheckler left Almost to join the newly reformed Plan B Skateboards team in January 2007.
Like Sheckler, Pudwill left Almost to join Plan B in March 2010 and Pudwill's personal friend, Justin Schulte, was eventually announced as the company's new amateur rider after a trial period to determine if he was a suitable fit.
हेकलर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
SWAT टीमों द्वारा इस्तेमाल आम टामी बंदूकों में 9 मिमी और 10 मिमी हेकलर 'amp; कोच MP5 -5 शामिल हैं।
हेकलर और कोच एम 512 12 गेज बन्दूक।
हेकलर और कोच MSG 90- 7.62mm नाटो निशानाबाज़ अर्ध स्वचालित राइफल।
गॉर्डन बोकर को 'पेक्वोड' (उपन्यास में उल्लिखित जहाज का नाम) नाम पसंद था लेकिन उनके तत्कालीन रचनात्मक साथी टेरी हेकलर ने जवाब दिया कि $कोई भी एक कप पी-क्वोड पीना नहीं चाहेगा!$ हेकलर ने $स्टारबो$ नाम का सुझाव दिया. इन दो विचारों पर सोच-विचार करने के बाद कंपनी का नाम पेक्वोड के प्रथम मित्र स्टारबक के नाम पर रखा गया.।
हेकलर और कोच एमपी -5 A3, A5 और SD3 9mm टामी बंदूक।
हेकलर 'amp; कोच G3 सीरीज़ निशानेबाजों या स्निपर्स में आम होता है, साथ ही साथ M14 राइफल और रेमिंगटन 700P भी. .50 कैलिबर स्नाइपर राइफल के सीमित इस्तेमाल सहित कई बोल्ट प्रक्रिया की राइफलों के विभिन्न संस्करणों का इस्तेमाल SWAT द्वारा किया जाता है।
""SWAT टीमों द्वारा इस्तेमाल आम टामी बंदूकों में 9 मिमी और 10 मिमी हेकलर 'amp; कोच MP5 -5 शामिल हैं।
"" हेकलर 'amp; कोच G3 सीरीज़ निशानेबाजों या स्निपर्स में आम होता है, साथ ही साथ M14 राइफल और रेमिंगटन 700P भी. .50 कैलिबर स्नाइपर राइफल के सीमित इस्तेमाल सहित कई बोल्ट प्रक्रिया की राइफलों के विभिन्न संस्करणों का इस्तेमाल SWAT द्वारा किया जाता है।
हेकलर और कोच PSG1 7.62mm नाटो निशानाबाज़ अर्ध स्वचालित राइफल।