हिकॉरी Meaning in English
हिकॉरी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hickory
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हिकॉरी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
दिखने में इसी तरह की प्रजातियों पहाड़ हिकॉरी बाली (ए obliquinervia), तट गोल्डन बाली (ए leiophylla) और स्वर्ण माला बाली (ए Saligna) शामिल हैं।
"" कनाडा में एक हिकॉरी स्मोक स्वाद संस्करण लोकप्रिय है, जिसे 'हिकॉरी स्टिक्स' के नाम से जाना जाता है।
ज्यादातर बीज फलों से आते हैं और बीज फलों से मुक्त होते हैं, अखरोट के ठीक विपरीत जैसे कि पहाड़ी बादाम, हिकॉरी, शाहबलूत के फल और बंजुफल, फलों के छिलके सख्त होते हैं और यौगिक अंडाशय में से उत्पन्न होते हैं।
हिकॉरी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
mangium (hickory wattle), A.
Some of the tree specimens represented in the arboretum include alder, catalpa, dogwood, douglas-fir, ginkgo, hawthorn, shagbark hickory, linden, [locust], maple, scarlet oak, russian olive, tulip-tree, black walnut, and corkscrew willow.
Taking a pair of the company's standard hickory Rocket skis, they cut away wood until they produced a 15"nbsp;mm sidecut.
The Loess Hills have abundant oak-hickory hardwood forests and some of the last remaining stands of prairie grass in the region.
These include several kinds of oak, maple, elm, cedar, and ash, as well as black walnut, hickory, basswood, ironwood, birch, and poplar.
Hickory Pit – A steakhouse which serves charbroiled steaks and chops, hickory pit ribs and chicken, pasta and seafood.
New innovations included the availability of Balloon tires mounted on either wire wheels or steel pressed discs, while wooden wheels made of hickory were standard equipment along with the availability of front-wheel brakes.
Highway"nbsp;16 continues southeast, exiting the city and becoming a steep, winding road through the oak-hickory forest.
Paisley Grammar School, Scotland Carya cordiformis, the bitternut hickory, also called bitternut or swamp hickory, is a large pecan hickory with commercial stands located mostly north of the other pecan hickories.
Bitternut hickory is cut and sold in mixture with the true hickories.
A hybrid between the shagbark hickory (C.
ovata) is also recognized, and is known as Laney's hickory (Carya ×laneyi).