हथौड़े से ठोकना Meaning in English
हथौड़े से ठोकना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : snag
, hammer
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हथौड़े-से-ठोकना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In the mid-12th century, casting surpassed hammering as the principal technique for modeling in metal.
" Driven by the power of this hammer, Volstagg mounted an assault on Muspelheim, but when he began to threaten children, Jane Foster confronted her old friend to convince him to stand down, although it took Odinson to make Volstagg realize that his actions were only provoking further conflict rather than ending it.
1994: Suite for Frida Kahlo (Sledgehammer Blues).
Chris Bennett (hammer thrower) (born 1989), British hammer thrower.
Generalized Pochhammer symbol.
Estonian male hammer throwers.
Soviet male hammer throwers.
When they travel, the Bavarian Schuhplattlers take not only their costumes, but a wide assortment of props—their scythes, axes, saws, hammers, chisels, lanterns, a Maibaum (maypole) for their special "May Day" dance, and in many cases a massive log or two for the Holzhackertanz (Wood Choppers Dance).
Clearly, Cain had joined a winning organization, crafted by Art Ross who has hammered together America's first team, the Boston Bruins in 1924.
SPV/Steamhammer albums.
In February and March 1944, 800 POWs from Monowitz Arbeitskommando E715 were transferred to chemical facilities in the area of Blechhammer, Cosel, and Heydebreck.
The first really important art collection to come under the hammer was that of Edward, Earl of Oxford, dispersed by Cock, under the Piazza, Covent Garden, on 8 March 1742 and the five following days, six more days being required by the coins.
Kapp was born in Ratiborhammer, Upper Silesia.
हथौड़े-से-ठोकना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Guards were constructed over the various projections on the submarine's hull to reduce the risk of snagging on mines.
The agreement between Paramount and Marvel hit some major snags after about a year, resulting in Paramount withdrawing support for non-series based characters and storylines.
With his reconstruction, he showed the episode was not faked explaining how the camera cable is attached to his belt to prevent it snagging - a standard procedure in broadcasting.
The last part contains, among other things, a brief history of Hannibal and an account of the coronation of an emperor, which, according to Basnage refers to that of Otto the Great (crowned 962); this would be the only and a most valuable source of information concerning this event.
If Basnage's conjecture is correct, the date of the composition of the "Yosippon" may be placed at the end of the 10th century.
He was attacked by the king of Delhi, but the latter was defeated and retired, whereupon Bukka established a city “and called it Visaja Nagar, which we corruptly call Bisnaga; and we call all the kingdom by that name, but the natives amongst themselves always call it the ‘kingdom of Canara.
At senior club level, Kirkwood played for Queen's University, Belfast YMCA and Lisnagarvey.
Then between 1987–88 and 1993–94 he was an ever-present in the Lisnagarvey team that won the cup for seven successive seasons.
He won his tenth medal when Lisnagarvey won the cup in 1996–97.
Lisnagarvey Hockey Club players.
In 2008 and 2009 he played alongside his son, Patrick, in the second team at Lisnagarvey.
Patrick Martin has played for Lisnagarvey in the Men's Irish Hockey League while Hannah Martin, a graduate of Ulster University, has played for Ards in the Women's Irish Hockey League.