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स्लेज्स Meaning in English

स्लेज्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sleds

स्लेज्स हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""ग्रेटेस्ट क्रिकेट स्लेज्स

स्लेज्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In the late 1850s Pleshcheev started to publish prose, among his better known works being The Inheritance (Nasledstvo, 1857), Father and Daughter (Otets y dotch, 1857), Budnev (1858), Pashintsev (1859) and Two Careers (Dve Karjery, 1859), the latter three vaguely autobiographical novelets.

This is a common customising technique on leadsleds and kustoms, which dates back to the 1940s.

Siberian huskies were used to tow sleds with heavy equipment up the dangerous slopes of the mountains.

Nicknamed Doctor Ice by the British media because he earned a PhD from the University of Nottingham in 1999 with a thesis entitled "Factors affecting the performance of skeleton bobsleds".

Kristan raced on sleds designed and produced with his brother Richard by their company, Bromley Technologies Ltd.

Blocks of stone were transported on sleds to the river Welland and loaded onto barges on which they were taken down the River Nene and the Fenland waterways.

Training sleds: sleds, push sleds, pull sleds.

This "Skinny Mini" prototype sled had features different from other sleds at that time, by utilizing parts that provided more than one role and a track that had less width than other sleds, reducing rotating mass.

Though the majority of sleds experienced no issues, this resulted in a class action lawsuit and resulted in an out of court settlement where Arctic Cat bought back 3,200 short track Firecat F-7's from owners.

These sleds featured a lay down type engine which placed the carburetors in front of the engine, which was centered low in the sled to centralize mass and was believed to allow cooler air inlet temperatures.

A logging tool description from the Lumberman's Museum at Patten, Maine, reads in part: "A cant dog or cant hook was used for lifting, turning, and prying logs when loading sleds and on the drive.

Tobagganing became a popular sport from the 1880s and Holmen- og Voksenkollselskapet rented out sleds which were permitted to be used on roads and designated tracks after 19:00 on evenings with moonlight.

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