स्लिम्स Meaning in English
स्लिम्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slims
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
फिसलकर गिराना
खिसक जाना
पर्ची डाल कर चुनाव करना
स्लिम्स हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
मुस्लिम्स मैं मशहूर है की जुमे की नमाज से पिछले सप्ताह के गुनाह (पाप) माफ हो जाते हैं और एक जुमे की नमाज से 40 नमाज़ों के बराबर सवाब (पुनः) मिलता है।
इंग्लैंड में पैदा हुए और पले-बढ़े बाशम को मुख्यतः प्राचीन भारत की संस्कृति पर लिखी उनकी अत्यंत लोकप्रिय और कालजयी रचना द वंडर दैट वाज़ इण्डिया : अ सर्वे ऑफ़ कल्चर ऑफ़ इण्डियन सब-कांटिनेंट बिफ़ोर द कमिंग ऑफ़ द मुस्लिम्स (1954) के लिए जाना जाता है।
""इलाहाबाद इन्नोसेंस ऑफ़ मुस्लिम्स २०१२ में बने गयी एक इस्लाम विरोधी फिल्म है।
(१) ए .एल. बाशम (1954), द वंडर दैट वाज़ इण्डिया : अ सर्वे ऑफ़ कल्चर इण्डियन बिफ़ोर कमिंग द मुस्लिम्स, ग्रोव प्रेस, न्यूयॉर्क.।
1914 में जन्मे लोग द वंडर दैट वाज़ इण्डिया : अ सर्वे ऑफ़ कल्चर ऑफ़ इण्डियन सब-कांटिनेंट बिफ़ोर द कमिंग ऑफ़ द मुस्लिम्स (The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent Before the Coming of the Muslims), भारतीय इतिहास से सम्बन्धित एक प्रसिद्ध पुस्तक है जिसकी रचना १९५४ में आर्थर लेवेलिन बाशम ने की थी।
स्लिम्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The bull praises earlier Portuguese victories against the Muslims of North Africa and the success of expeditions of discovery and conquest to the Azores and to Africa south of Cape Bojador.
It also repeats earlier injunctions not to supply items useful in war such as weaponry, iron or timber to either Muslims or non-Christians.
In Dum Diversas, the European trade with Muslims was strictly prohibited but Romanus Pontifex gave the King of Portugal an exception, provided that the trade did not include iron, weapons, and wood for building.
In 663 CE, during the reign of Umayyad Caliph Muawiyah I, Muslims lost control of northeastern Balochistan and Kalat when Haris ibn Marah and large part of his army died on the battle field suppressing a revolt in Kalat.
The literature historian and critic Eugen Štampar believed that Šantić belonged to group of Serb poets who tried to attract Bosnian Muslims toward Serbian nationalism.
Peerzadas found in 70% Sunni Muslims around the world,Pakistan and Northern India sympathize with the Sunni branch of Islam, while there exists a small minority of them within them who actively profess faith in the Aga Khan and subsequently the practices of the 30% Shia Muslim.
There were 1,409,352 Hindus and 190,051 Muslims (11.
Alfonso, by contrast, who was king as a teenager and defeated the Muslims of Spain in 1169, was also a patron of troubadours.
com is British payday loan firm, and according to Sharia law, Muslims must not benefit from either lending money or receiving money from another person - meaning that charging interest is prohibited.
First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi National Assembly Khaled al-Attiyah said "we expected the maximum penalty against the criminal Saddam Hussein and his henchmen because they committed horrible crimes against the Iraqi people, the Arabs, Kurds, Muslims and the entire Western community.