स्लाविज्म Meaning in English
स्लाविज्म शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slavism
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कनपटी पर मारना
कपटवध करना
क़हक़हा मारना
थका मारना
छिपकर हत्या करनेवाला
ढ़ीला पड़ना
स्लेज से ले जाना
स्लाविज्म इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Illyrianism spawned two political movements: the Party of Rights named after the state right concept (pravaštvo), led by Ante Starčević, and the Yugoslavism under Josip Juraj Strossmayer, both of which were limited to intelligentsia.
Advocacy in favour of Yugoslavism as a means to achieve the unification of Croatian lands in opposition to their division under Austria-Hungary began with Strossmayer advocating this as being achievable within a federalized Yugoslav monarchy.
The founder of Yugoslavism, Croatian Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer advocated the unification of Croat lands into a Yugoslav monarchical federal state alongside other Yugoslavs.
V okruží panslavizmu (Surrounded by panslavism), narrative (available only in handwriting).
Politically, Kopitar was a supporter of Austroslavism, a doctrine aimed at the unity of Slavic peoples within the Austrian Empire.