स्फेनॉइड Meaning in English
स्फेनॉइड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sphenoid
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स्फेनॉइड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The pterygoid bones extend in the upper jaw and enclose small interpterygoid vacuities that are present on each side of the cultriform processes of the parasphenoids.
The parasphenoid and basisphenoid are fused, except for the most anterior/dorsal end of the fused bones, in which there is a slight separation in the trabecular attachment of the basisphenoid.
Olympic silver medalists in swimming The temple is a juncture where four skull bones fuse together: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid.
The ethmoid air cells are numerous thin-walled cavities situated in the ethmoidal labyrinth and completed by the frontal, maxilla, lacrimal, sphenoidal, and palatine bones.
The posterior group the posterior ethmoidal sinus drains into the superior meatus above the middle nasal concha; sometimes one or more opens into the sphenoidal sinus.
It arises by a flat lamella from the scaphoid fossa at the base of the medial pterygoid plate, from the spina angularis of the sphenoid and from the lateral wall of the cartilage of the auditory tube.
They can also develop within body cavities such as the sphenoid or paranasal sinuses, the ear canal, and rarely on surfaces such as [valve]s.
Inferiorly: Foramen lacerum and the junction of the body and greater wing of sphenoid bone.
Medially: Hypophysis cerebri or (pituitary gland) and sphenoidal air sinus.
Hausa a The foramen spinosum is one of two foramina located in the base of the [skull], on the sphenoid bone.
It is situated just anterior to the spine of the sphenoid bone, and just lateral to the foramen ovale.