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स्प्लिट पिन Meaning in English

स्प्लिट पिन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : split pin

स्प्लिट-पिन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The main frontage is from a later period, probably from the 19th century, as it apparently shows a neoclassical style, with a lintel cover, a semicircular central Oculus, a split pinnacle with pinnacles at the ends.

A subsequent investigation found that a faulty split pin had fallen out of Swiftsure's Admiralty Fire Control Table, most likely due to concussion from the initial shots, causing it to provide highly inaccurate results to the guns.

The train continues on at extreme speed, and the throttle's split pin (cotter pin) shears off; causing the train to accelerate uncontrollably to Glacier Gulch, down a 179-degree grade, and onto a frozen lake.

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