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स्पोरान Meaning in English

स्पोरान शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sporan

स्पोरान हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

चांदी की चेन सहित ड्रेस स्पोरान

दस्त, वजन कम होना, बुखार और पेटदर्द जैसे समान लक्षणों वाले आईबीडी (IBD) रोगों, जैसे क्रोहन रोग और व्रणमय बृहदान्त्रशोथ के उपचार के लिए फंगसरोधी दवाओं, जैसे नायस्टेटिन (एक स्थूलक्रम आन्त्र फंगसरोधी) और या तो इट्राकोनाजोल (स्पोरानोक्स) या फ्लूकोनाजोल (डिफ्लूकैन) का सुझाव दिया गया है।

नर पौधे स्पोरोफिल वाले पराग शंकु का उत्पादन करते हैं जिसमें से प्रत्येक में दो माइक्रोस्पोरान्गिया होता है जो एक केंद्रीय अक्ष के इर्द-गिर्द व्यवस्थित होता है।

"" नर पौधे स्पोरोफिल वाले पराग शंकु का उत्पादन करते हैं जिसमें से प्रत्येक में दो माइक्रोस्पोरान्गिया होता है जो एक केंद्रीय अक्ष के इर्द-गिर्द व्यवस्थित होता है।

स्पोरान इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Dehiscence (botany), the spontaneous opening at maturity of a plant structure, such as a fruit, anther, or sporangium, to release its contents.

As Phulli, it was one of the bishoprics in the Roman client-state, later province, of the Bosporan Kingdom, where no imperial metropolis was established, and it faded under heathen rule.

1st century BC – died 8 BC) was the Roman Client King of Cilicia, Pontus, Colchis and the Bosporan Kingdom.

” Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa sent Polemon against a certain Scribonius who claimed to be a grandson of Mithridates VI and that he had received the Bosporan Kingdom from Augustus after the death of its king, Asander.

Rulers of the Bosporan Kingdom.

Due to its disposition for a fungal disease, namely cedar apple rust, caused by Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae, Several other cultivars are also grown to a lesser extent.

This plant is the alternate (telial) host of the Pear Rust fungus Gymnosporangium fuscum.

In the classical period it became part of the Bosporan kingdom; its inhabitants included Sarmatians, Greeks, Anatolian settlers from Pontus, and Jews.

At that time, he became interested in the Greek colonies in Crimea and South Russia and produced a remarkable monograph on the medals and coins of the Bosporan Kingdom.

In 2014, Hamazkayin's seventh General Assembly outlined the imperative creation of an innovative online platform to more effectively implement the organization's mission and to reach Armenians in the diaspora—specifically the Diasporan Armenian youth.

With Pompey to the west, Cappadocia to the south in Roman hands, the Black Sea closed off by a Roman blockade and Armenia unwelcoming, the only way out was the northern route to the Bosporan kingdom (including parts of the Crimea) ruled by his son Machares.

After a difficult journey around the eastern half of the Black Sea, Mithridates arrived in the Bosporan Kingdom and made himself its king after murdering his son.

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