स्पेइंग Meaning in English
स्पेइंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spelling
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वर्तनी पुस्तकस्पेलड्रिंग
स्पेंसर ट्रेसी
स्पेन्सर ट्रेसी
का खर्च करना
खर्च करना
खर्च में लिखना
फिजुल खर्च करना
फ़िजूलखर्च करना
फ़िज़ूलखर्ची करना
बिता करना
बिता जा रहा होना
स्पेइंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Tanith, alternative spelling of Tanit, an ancient Carthaginian lunar goddess of the Phoenician pantheon.
In some ways, The Adventures of Augie March is seen as a dispelling of the traditional idea of an American hero.
A misspelling of ulcer.
The Japanese language has many homophones, and conversion of a kana spelling (representing the pronunciation) into a kanji (representing the standard written form of the word) is often a one-to-many process.
Other spellings of Ghanzi include "Gantsi", which is more consistent with Setswana, the national language of Botswana; "Ghansi"; and "Ghantsi".
A misspelling of Ethiopia, the country in Africa.
Errékaldéa is mentioned with the spelling Errecaldia referring to the flowing stream of Bascassan flowing into the Laurhibar.
Gastelua appears with the spelling Gastellu in 1863.
The current spelling in Basque is Amorotze-Zokotze.
Pierre Lhande, in his Basque-French Dictionary, indicated the spelling Sokueze for Succos.
According to Jean-Baptiste Orpustan Arboti is the spelling preserved in basque but the meaning is uncertain.
In 1929, he published Cornish for All, a work which detailed a version of Cornish based on the Ordinalia and other mediaeval texts, creating the Unified Cornish spelling system and defining the next phase of the Revival.
Alternative spellings include Tiwary, Tewari, Tivari, and Tewary.