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स्निपेट्स Meaning in English

स्निपेट्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : snippets

स्निपेट्स हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

कुछ महीनों में, उन्होंने अपने सोशल मीडिया पर नए गाने के इन स्निपेट्स को छेड़ा, [1 9] [20] साथ ही साथ अरियाना ग्रांडे, [21] टी-पेन, [22] कोडी सिम्पसन और संभव सहयोगी दूसरों।

"" आईजीएन ने इसे 'दोहरावदार लेकिन उत्कृष्ट संगीत', के रूप में वर्णन किया है, जबकि गेम रिवोलूशन ने घोषणा की है कि इसकी ध्वनि $वास्तव में एन्सेम्बल द्वारा सूक्ष्म विवरणों पर लगातार ध्यान को दर्शाती है$ और विभिन्न भाषाओं में ऑडियो स्निपेट्स की प्रशंसा करने से पहले इसका वर्णन करती है।

12 मई 2009 को गूगल की घोषणा की है कि वह एचकार्ड (hCard), एचरिव्यू (hReview) और एचप्रोडक्ट (hProduct) माइक्रोफ़ॉर्मेट की पद व्याख्याएं करेंगे और उनका उपयोग ख्रोज के परिणामों की संख्या बढ़ाने के लिए करेंगे, जिसे 'रिच स्निपेट्स' कहा गया।

स्निपेट्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Expression Web 4 SP2 was released in July 2011, and fixed a number of issues and introduced new features such as jQuery IntelliSense support, a panel for managing snippets, Interactive Snapshot Panel, comment/uncomment functionality in Code View, and workspace and toolbar customization.

Milbank was criticized for a July 30, 2008 article in which, in part by using snippets of quotations, he portrayed Barack Obama as being presumptuous.

In 2017 and 2019, the label also released standalone extended versions of the soundtrack with many snippets that were left out of the original releases.

" DEG sent a notice to Ebert and Gene Siskel notifying the two critics that they were allowed to show snippets of the film on TV in their native Chicago, but were forbidden to show the same snippets on the national scale.

Some of these snippets offer an insight into Goldman's background that was not in the first book—such as his relationship with his parents, his university life and time in the military—the book thereby shading into autobiography.

Writer-director Kastle, who unaccountably never made another feature, is in perfect control of his material here, understanding it thoroughly and making sure that everything, from the harsh lighting to the flat staging to the snippets of Mahler on the soundtrack, unite to enhance the rawness and relentlessness of the film.

In the cartoon Yin Yang Yo! episode "The High She-As", snippets are it are heard, mainly when Yang is trapped in the bilge and forced to row alongside other men.

Samurai Shodown consequently portrays snippets of the Japanese culture and language internationally with little edits.

Anders, Galen Tyrol, and Tory Foster experience snippets of hallucinatory music, that only they can hear, yet cannot grasp.

Brennan has stated in numerous autobiographical snippets that a chance encounter with the collected works of Edgar Allan Poe is what sparked his interest and ambition to engage in writing himself.

03 marked a milestone in that it was the first time in Singaporean television history that a local gay event had been reported in a positive light, accompanied by snippets of bare-chested men dancing on podia.

In anticipation of the album's release, Cole and DJ Green Lantern released a mixtape entitled Team Invasion Presents Keyshia Cole in February 2005 featuring remixes of hip-hop instrumentals and snippets of songs from her and helped build a buzz around Cole's upcoming album release.

In contrast to the audio versions of the compilation, the music videos are presented in chronological order, with short collages (made from snippets from the videos) between the songs.

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