स्थिर करनेवाला Meaning in English
स्थिर करनेवाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : stabilizer
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स्थिर-करनेवाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The Be-6 was a gull-winged aircraft with twin oval vertical stabilizers on top of a deep fuselage.
The aircraft has a blended wing body fuselage and incorporates all-moving horizontal and vertical stabilizers; the vertical stabilizers toe inwards to serve as the aircraft's airbrake.
Izvestia reported that from 2021, Su-57 will be supplemented by a dozen of protective covers - separately for the wheels, the lower, central and rear fuselage, wings, cockpit, nozzle, stabilizers, air intakes and other parts of the structure - to protect the plane from bad weather and hide them from reconnaissance means.
The partially-swept wings supported the vertical stabilizers of a twin tail, with elevons for pitch and roll control.
Later gave elementary counterexamples inspired by proper [space]s with non-reduced stabilizers.
Other medications less commonly used but also administered by MDI are mast cell stabilizers, such as cromoglicate or nedocromil.
Since the symmetry group has stabilizers at the points of the ramification locus, branched coverings can be used to construct examples of orbifolds, or Deligne–Mumford stacks.
The five Y1B-9A service test aircraft (Boeing Model 246) had the Pratt " Whitney R-1860-11 Hornet B engines which powered the re-engined YB-9 and Y1B-9 and a redesigned vertical stabilizer modeled on the 247D transport.
of isomorphisms between stable curves to show that \mathcal{M}_g has finite stabilizers, hence it is a Deligne–Mumford stack (named after their paper).
Note most authors consider the case of genus one curves with one marked point as the origin of the group since otherwise the stabilizer group in a hypothetical moduli space \mathcal{M}_1 would have stabilizer group at the point [C] \in \mathcal{M}_1 given by the curve, since elliptic curves have an Abelian group structure.
(Sym(n+1), Sym(n)), the symmetric group acting on n+1 points and a point stabilizer that is naturally isomorphic to on n points.
(AGL(n, q), GL(n, q)), the affine (general linear) group and a point stabilizer that is naturally isomorphic to the general linear group.
The action of G on the cosets of K is thus faithful, so one is then looking at permutation groups G with point stabilizers K.