स्टॉकब्रोकिंग Meaning in English
स्टॉकब्रोकिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : stockbroking
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स्टॉकब्रोकिंग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
रोम में पहला स्टॉकब्रोकिंग शुरू हुआ था, जहां दूसरी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व में शेयरों की पहली अभिलिखित खरीदी और बिक्री हुई थी।
रोम के पतन बाद, फिर से पुनर्जागरण के बाद स्टॉकब्रोकिंग यथार्थवादी करियर नहीं बना, जब सरकारी बांड जेनोआ या वेनिस जैसे इतालवी शहर-राज्यों में कारोबार किये जाते थे।
""रोम में पहला स्टॉकब्रोकिंग शुरू हुआ था, जहां दूसरी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व में शेयरों की पहली अभिलिखित खरीदी और बिक्री हुई थी।
स्टॉकब्रोकिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A 1% brokerage commission is charged by stockbroking companies.
He was seen as the king of Japanese stockbroking in the 1950s.
Demirbank's wholly owned stockbroking and fund management subsidiary, Demir Yatirim was also acquired and the merger of HSBC Bank A.
: — sold Australian online stockbroking business to E-Trade.
From the family corner shop he commutes to the City where he works for the Bournemouth family's stockbroking firm, handling multimillion-pound deals.
From the point of view of the stockbroking companies, the use of remisiers allowed them to generate additional trading volumes and revenues without the need to incur a fixed cost base or the need to build a customer base directly.
The relationship between remisiers and their stockbroking company were originally based on loose arrangements which varied substantially, both within the industry at large and also within each firm.
The remisier is responsible for any losses which may be incurred by the stockbroking company arising from any securities transaction dealt through him or her.
Each remisier has to post a deposit with the stockbroking company to cover clients' losses in the event of default; this security deposit is segregated from other assets that are kept by the stockbroking company on behalf of the clients.
The stockbroking company is required to take all relevant and reasonable action against clients for the recovery of indebtedness which should be reimbursed to the remisier in the event that the remisier's security deposit has been utilised towards the satisfaction of indebtedness.